I watched a movie

#Hawaii #Swimming

Last night I got in late. I'm trying to leave my house more and be more social. It's a lot of work. 😴 11pm is late for me, now I'm at my desk tired and unable to concentrate. Well I could if I tried but I'm too tired, so instead I'm writing the post I meant to write yesterday but I fell asleep.

My reason for staying out late last night? I was on a date, a date of friendship with Kelly. Have you ever made a friend where you've not known each other for long but it feels like forever? It's like that. 

We went and had some of the best food I've eaten in ages. I could eat GBK every time we eat out and not get bored. I tried to be healthy, back on the fitness wagon. Grilled chicken burger, all the salad but I did have chips. It's all about balance! I think Kelly agrees, in her words, "the food was bangin".

Then we went and watched Glass.

It is a typical M.Night Shyamalan movie, a twist at the end. It's a really good movie. The twist was a tad obvious but if I ignore that bit it was a good movie. Kelly thinkscso too but she was too comfy and slept through most if it. I won't spoil anything this time but I will say James McAvoy is spectacular, a brilliant and talented actor and nice to look at. Samuel L Jackson and Bruce Willis bring it as usual. This movie is an awesome mix of the action of Unbreakable and the Creep factor of Split. 

Split is still my favourite though. It makes my skin crawl and I love it! 😂

Anyways my boss is here so I should probably do the thing I'm paid for. Gym post later!!

L xx

P.s. As always find me on Twitter @Laurenailie or Instagram, chonker-plonker if you want to see Kelly and I getting fit.


What's everyone else reading?