Absolute bunch of weirdos

Quality not quantity.

That's what I'm learning as I get older. When I used to think about the handful of friends I have it used to make me sad. Why didn't more people like me?
Now I think forget the ones who don't as I am so lucky to have the friends I have. People who know my story, have seen my worst bits and love me for my quirks.
To be honest I'm not sure I could cope with keeping up with them all if I had more.
My friendships are basically all memes. The ones where you don't see each other for months but come back together and nothing has changed. The one where you give them a name of someone you don't like or a new love interest and within minutes they've stalked them, can tell you their full life history and give you their phone number. The ones you know would help you bury a dead body and not ask questions. Those ones.

Yes I'm aware those might not be memes exactly but it's late in the evening,  give a girl a break. You get what I meant.

I went to see my friend Abi today. 5 years we've known each other, lived 30 mins apart that whole time and today I went to her house for the first time. Met her dog as well, very cute, exceeded expectations. Normally we just sit in her car eating dairylea dunkers as we unravel the mysteries of life.

After the gym crisis of yesterday I was grateful to be able to sit down with her and just verbally let rip. Filled her in on my life and listened to what's going on with her. Told her my latest blunders and we had a good laugh. Nothing surprises her when I tell her things anymore. She knows it all, every embarrassing moment and she reminds me of them frequently. To be fair she was there for most of those situations. For example the time where I ended up holding my bosses hand at the Christmas party one year. Abi, I know you know what I'm talking about and I bet you're laughing!
She's seen me through the toughest times and I like to think I've done the same for her. Truly friends forever.

I've got to this point in my post and I'm not really sure what my point was other than I wanted to write about one of my closest friends. I definitely don't tell any of them enough how grateful I am to have them in my life. I don't know what I would do without them. My pink starbursts in a world of yellow starburst.

Tomorrow I'm out with Kelly so I'll give you my thoughts on the movie we see!

Here's to good friends! Make sure yours know you appreciate them.

L xx

P.s, as always find me / follow me on Twitter @Laurenailie or Instagram @ chonker-plonker to follow mine and Kelly's fitness transformation.


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