Getting it together.

I've spent a lot of time thinking recently. 

It all seems a little chaotic at the moment and I'm sacrificing sleep in order to squeeze in the things I need to get done. Cramming in my chores when I get a second and skipping tasks altogether in favour of just chilling out because I'm so tired.

I'm going to put together a schedule. As a Virgo I do enjoy lists and schedules. Not a super rigid, unbreakable timetable but just allocated times for certain things. Gym on Mondays, Wednesday and Friday. Hair was on particular days. Chores done by a set time so I can go to bed at sensible hour and actually going to sleep, not being on the internet. That sort of stuff. If I can have some slight control over those things then it might not be so chaotic. Especially with comic con coming up and a costume I haven't even started to put together. I need some sort of structure in place. I'm even going to write it into my Harry Potter calender. Make it official. I'll try and post an image tomorrow in the weekly recap so you can see my timetable in all its glory. There might even be colour coding.

I'm so tired today that I'm struggling to put cohesive sentences together. I've written 2 short paragraphs and 30 minutes. To be fair to myself though I am at my desk and I have to keep stopping to do my actual paid for job work. 

I also need to think about what I'm going to put into my main blog post this evening 🤔

So much to do.

L xx

P.s find me on Twitter @Laurenailie or Instagram, chonker-plonker if you want to see how Kelly and I are getting on with our fitness transformation.


What's everyone else reading?