Feeling Good

Am I thin yet?

Thought I would document my solo gym session while I wait for my cup of tea to cool down.

I spent the day telling myself that I was going to the gym today. Then coming up with excuses as to why it was ok if I didn't. Such as I have roller derby tomorrow and I'm tired. Kelly said she might come with me but I knew she had other things going on so I expected I would be on my own. Which is fine. On good days it's quite nice just to be on my own, stick my head phones in and just let my mind rattle through it's thoughts while I work out. All cardio... This week had had some tough moments but also some nice changes. 

It felt good to get in the gym and work away the stresses and bad emotions I'd built up during the week. I'm sure a lot of people say it, but I do really leave the gym feeling energised and positive. Endorphins, I'm aware, but there's something great about knowing that as I'm leaving the gym I'll feel much better. It's another motivator that makes it so much easier to go. 

I've picked a good gym though. The machines are new and well maintained, everything is clean but most importantly everyone is there to exercise. That sounds like a strange thing to say about a gym but I have been to ones where I've witnessed fit people mock overweight people and just generally judge everyone else. What's that about? Why would you ever put someone down for trying to better themselves. Seriously people be kind or if you can't do that, just mind your own business. Off on a tangent but my point is that I'm lucky because at my gym I can go there and not feel self conscious. Which is a HUGE deal for me. I get up on the curve treadmill and do my thing, hair all over the place, sweaty and puffing with my boobs bouncing because I wore the wrong sports bra again, and not feel judged, it's amazing! 

What's also great is knowing I'm going to sleep well. I've tired my body and emptied my mind so I know I'm going to sleep tonight without any issue. My cup of tea will send me off nicely and in the time it's taken me to write this it should have cooled to a nice temperature. I'm trying to find my writing flow with this posts. These are the ones I enjoy most. Where I just write out my thoughts on the day as though I was having a conversation. 

I'll list what I did at the gym below just in case anyone's interested. It's not much as I'm on a strict regiment of cardio but I did sneak some weights in. Kelly, I'm sorry, don't be mad. 

* 10 mins on the curved treadmill. Every 3 minutes I jogged for 30 seconds. The last one pushed myself and did a casual run. Next time I'm jogging every 2 minutes.

* 3 sets of 10 on the chest pull. Where you brace your feet and pull the grips directly into your chest with your elbows tucked in. They're tough on my weaker arm.

* 2 sets on the pull down machine. My arms were fatigued after the other machine. I stopped instead of pushing it and hurting myself.

* 20 minutes on the bike. Level 5 for 10 minutes and then upped it to level 6 for the other half. I watched a Jamie Oliver cooking show, it maybe wasn't the best choice as I'm hungry now.

I'll post update photos next week as I've been going for a month now! It will be interesting to see if there's any changes.

I'm really enjoying both my new years resolutions. Gym and blogging!

Hope you have a lovely evening.

L xx 

P.s find me on Twitter @Laurenailie or om Instagram @ chonker-plonker if you want to see how Kelly and I are getting on at the gym. She takes photos constantly so there's plenty to see 😂


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