Taurus June General Tarot Reading - The choice is yours!

This is a general Tarot reading for Taurus for June 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Let’s get started!


Ten of Cups:
King of Swords:
The Empress:
King of Wands:

Well Taurus, you’re looking for that perfect happily ever after! The people cards represent an energy or a personality, not a specific gender. In this reading I feel that the Empress card is your energy. You want to see a relationship flourish, come to fruition and become that fairytale ending. I think you’re already partnered with this King of Swords energy. The King of Swords is someone who is very logical, wise and trustworthy but can be quite stern and a bit solitary at times.
You’re building your future with this King; I feel like you’ve been together a while but then there is this King of Wands. This King is more creative and energetic. Always doing something, always active. They can get bored quite easily though and can be quite demanding.
I think this King of Wands is turning your head. Making you wonder if this King of Swords is really the right one for you?

Ok Taurus, lets see what this is about.

Current Situation: Five of Wands
Helpful Energy: Two of Wands

There is a conflict going on, but I think it’s more internal that external. An inner conflict about this choice you need to make. You’re torn between these two kings, two separate paths for you to choose from.
What exactly is going on here Taurus? I get the sense that you’re keeping this all to yourself and guarding all the information.
So that I have a clearer idea about what’s going on I’m going to pull some cards from my Green Witch Tarot.

King of Swords and Queen of Wands Reversed:

Yeah, you’re not sure about this King of Swords anymore. Perhaps you’re arguing or they’re just getting on your nerves. The King of Swords can be quite melancholy so maybe you feel like they’re bringing you down?  That might be why this King of Wands is drawing you in, they’re the complete opposite. They’re fun and energetic, be careful though, they also tend to be the ‘players’. The fact that the matching Queen is in reverse I would be careful when dealing with this King of Wands.

Past: Three of Swords

Your current relationship hasn’t been an easy road for you. There has been some hurt in the past, or tough times at least, maybe cheating?
It feels like you’ve stuck with this relationship and worked on it, not giving up and maybe progress is slow or it’s not turning out how you expected and now you’re feeling disheartened. This is the past though, not the present so you should be coming out into better times.

Within Three Months: The Chariot

The Chariot is a card that asks for self-discipline and focus in order to bring the desired outcome. Your inner conflict needs to be controlled in order to achieve success. Pick one path and focus on it. Scattered energies will not bring achievement.
 Basically, if you want that happily ever after you need to make a choice and stick with it. If you know that the King of Swords is the one for you then you need to be there through thick and thin and not wonder if the grass is greener elsewhere. You might be sabotaging your own fairytale. Staying between the two Kings won’t move the situation forward.

Three to Six Months: High Priestess

The High Priestess is all about the mysteries and secrets. There’s more than meets the eye going on so use your intuition. There is unexplored or unfulfilled potential here Taurus, look at this situation again, you might have missed something. Your King of Swords might seem detached or uninterested, but it might be because he has something on his mind. Still waters run deep with this one. Whatever is hidden, this card promises that it will be in your best interests when it all comes out.
This is interesting so lets clarify!

Four of Swords Reversed and Six of Chalices:

So… there is a huge sense of paranoia going on here. Something about the King of Swords behavior is making you feel anxious. Perhaps they’ve pulled back from you or your intuition is telling you that something is going on. Then you add to that the King of Wands, maybe he’s someone from your past? You’re remembering the good times you’ve had with this person or you’re thinking about how much better off you would be with this other person. You feel as though you’re missing out on something amazing. The High Priestess suggests you look at the situation again. Perhaps your King of Swords has a good reason for pulling away and maybe that King of Wands isn’t a great as they seem. Empty promises came to mind.

Environmental Energy: Justice

Like the justice scales you need to balance your emotions and your thoughts. Don’t let the paranoia or the daydreaming run away with you. Use your logical thinking in this scenario, think things through rationally.

Advantages: Five of Pentacles

Don’t worry so much! You’re so busy worrying that you’re missing the solution to whatever you’re so worried about. This just affirms the environmental energy above. The negative thoughts are running away with you, so much so that you’re not looking at it rationally.
Take a deep breath and look at the situation again.

Fears and Concerns: The Moon

Illusionary situation, all is not as it seems. Emotions are highly charged and it’s important not to jump to conclusions or act in haste.
I’m really getting the feeling that you’re worried that your King of Swords is going to leave you, or is cheating on you? You’re so on edge that you’re exaggerating the smallest thing. You’re preparing to leave this relationship before you can be hurt. Don’t make any rushed decisions!

Seven of Chalices:

You definitely have a choice to make, stay or go? There are many options but only one is the right one. Don’t make a rash decision, think it through. There is a lot of emotions swirling around and not a lot of information out in the open. It would be a shame for you to throw away something special before you have all the facts.

Outcome: King of Pentacles

As an energy this King is grounded, steadfast and dependable. Suggesting you need to embody this energy in order to get the outcome you want. It’s time to stand your ground and stick it out.

Four of Swords, Earth Mother Reversed, The Moon, Nine of Chalices and Queen of Wands Reversed.

You’re in a period of rest so you’re not going to see much progress right now. Follow your intuition, your manifestations are coming to fruition, but you need to be patient! A wish is being granted so trust that it’s all turning out as it should and as you need.

There is definitely a lot going on in your world Taurus but don’t do anything drastic, there are still things to unfold and come to light. There is no rush, you need to be patient when it comes to that Ten of Cups life you want so badly. There are no short cuts I’m afraid.

I’ll use my Moonology deck to pull some welcome advice cards!

You Are Good Enough: Full moon in Virgo
Pulling this card suggests that you’re underrating yourself and worrying too much will only attract more worry. Stop second guessing yourself!

A Personal Issue Reaches Conclusion: Full Moon in Cancer

Things are likely to get heated as The Full Moon in Cancer is a super emotional sign. So there could be something of an explosion of feelings, tread carefully towards your paths or goals. A challenge is now coming to an end.
It’s time for you to step up and agree to overcome your insecurities.

Hold Your Vision: Fixed Moon

Stand firm in your decision or whatever situation you’re in. Don’t be a stubborn bull though! If you want things to change don’t dig you heels in, be the one to break the deadlock.
There is staying power, patience is needed as a personal relationship will be enduring.

As always, the choice is yours and you need to do what’s right for you. The Universe is just asking that you make sure you have all the facts and don’t make a rash decision that you regret later.

 I really hope this reaches the people or person it’s meant for and you guys make it through this tough time and get your Happily Ever After.

L xx

If this resonated I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a comment or come find me on Twitter (LaureAilie0)


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