Pisces May 2019 General Tarot reading - The past is the past, it's time to move on.

This is a general Tarot reading for Pisces' for May 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 


Ten of Pentacles
Ten of Cups
Seven of Pentacles

Have you been working on your manifestations Pisces? The Hierophant usually pops up as the reader is looking for a deeper meaning in life, exploring Spiritual matters. You pair this Hierophant card with the Ten of Pentacles and Ten of Cups and this defiantly sounds like laws of attractions to me. Two of the Ten cards, so they're the strongest cards in their lines, and they pertain to the most chased things in life. Financial security and the realisation of emotional love. A committed love with permanence. Dream job and Soul Mate energy.
Have you been wishing for financial security so you can feel settled and secure? A strong and comfortable foundation for this ultimate love?
If you have, then the Seven of Pentacles is a good sign. Things are coming to fruition but there is still more work to be done so you're ready for the harvest!

Lets see what the main reading has to say about your manifestations!

Current Situation: Page of Pentacles

The Pages bring news. This Page is bringing you good news that will bring welcome changes to your life. Perhaps it's this reading haha!

I always ask for clarification on the Pages and the Knights, we need to know what the news or the event relates to.

I asked for clarity on this news and my Green Witch Tarot deck dropped out two cards. World Tree and Six of Pentacles.

World Tree:

This is the card of cycles, the same as the seasons change, life goes in cycles. This card suggests the end of an era / cycle and the start of a new one. It's good conclusions and joyful new beginnings, hope and optimism in the face of inevitable change. The word transitioning comes to mind.

Six of Pentacles:

At it's most basic this is the card of generosity but it also says that time is being taken to make ensure that the recipient is worthy of this gift. This could be simply giving to Charity.

These two cards together says to me that you're evaluating where you're spending your energy. Is it going to an unfulfilling job or is being drained by a relationship that you know isn't right for you. 
The World Tree points out that you're at the end of one cycle and about to start another so maybe you've had this realisation already and you've made that change. Clearing out the old to make way for the new. Whichever it is there's change ahead and it brings joyful new beginnings.

Helpful Energy: Six of Swords

I love this card! It's sailing into calmer waters. You're leaving the past negativity behind and moving on to better things. You'll carry the lessons (swords) with you for the rest of your life but these lessons are what make us stronger. 

This Six of Swords with the Page of Pentacles I would say that you have already made this change, closing a chapter in your life. You're moving forward into better times, to a more positive energy. Perhaps you're going through your spiritual awakening, connecting more with your energies and practicing your manifestations. Closing the old cycles so you can manifest a new one. Heading into those calmer waters. Good for you!

Foundation: Hanging Man

Of course it is! I actually laughed out loud when I turned this over. It says you are now looking at things with a new perspective. He's also all about letting go of things in the short term in order to gain better things in the long term. I really feel like you've made a decision to leave something or someone, letting it go so you can move on to something better. You feel these good things on the horizon and you know that you need to make space for them. I'll keep saying it, clearing out the old to make way for this new beginning, this new cycle.

Immediate Past: Eight of Pentacles

The apprenticeship card. You've worked hard and put your talents to good use. This has opened up new path ways, new positions for you. Have you found new ways to be generous with your energy perhaps? Whatever it is you're using it for good and you're seeing the progress and rewards.

Within 3 Months: Eight of Cups

There is a lot going on with this one. It speaks of emotional investment given previously but now you're turning your back on the situation and choosing to walk away. It no longer fulfils you. 
I'm getting relationship vibes from this one, it could be that of a friendship though. This is a choice you're making to leave something behind that has held you back for a long time. You've known that it wasn't working out but for whatever reason you've stuck around. It might have been hard to walk away from someone you've invested a lot of time and energy into. That's the thing with energy vampires, they'll suck you dry and it still won't be enough. I really get the feeling Pisces that you've stayed in a situation where you often find yourself emotionally and mentally drained and not getting anything in return.
Finally though you're pursing a new path and moving on.
-Going back to The Hanging Man, you're letting go of something in the short term so you can gain something better in the long term. You're looking at it all with this new perspective. This will be a repeating theme I'm sure.

Three to Six Months: Page of Swords

This one isn't so nice, news delayed. Something is holding back your new cycle I'll pull some clarifying cards to find out more!

Ace of Wands 

This is a powerful energy card, it's got the force of the ace behind it. It's a real booster for creativity, imagination and inspiration are animated into action. It's energy that allows you to pursue objectives with bright ideas and new enthusiasm for manifesting these goals. You're ready to take action! So what's going on Pisces? What's stopping you?

Star Reversed:

Oh.... there it is. In reverse The Star is doubts and insecurities, you're letting opportunities pass you by. 

You have this new energy available that will fuel your creativity in this new phase but your progress is being delayed by your own doubts. You're in your own way Pisces. Believe me I understand, but if you want to manifest this stable financial foundation and this ever lasting love, then you need to trust and believe that you can do it and it is coming to you. It might be impossible to stop the doubt popping up in your head but you can push it back out again. Reaffirm that the Universe has your back and it's trying to help you. It's lending you this Ace of Wands energy for you to use, to get you moving into this new cycle. To get you to the goals you're manifesting. You're feeling insecure and unsure so you're letting opportunities pass. They're not too good to be true, there's no such thing as a coincidence. The Universe is trying to put you on the path you're asking for but you need to help yourself too. 

Surrounding Energy: Five of Pentacles

Here it is again. You've surrounded yourself with this lower vibration energy. You're so worried about what you're missing out on or you're stressing yourself over trying to find the 'answer' that you're missing the solution which is right in front of you. Listen to that Hanging Man, look at things from a new perspective, trust your gut and go for it.

Strengths / Advantages: The Fool

There's no avoiding this change Pisces, it's happening and your doubts are only delaying the inevitable. Good things are coming for you! The Fool advises that unexpected opportunities will suddenly appear for you and they bring welcome changes. Don't over think it, just be excited and go for it. You need to remain open as it will involve a major choice, seemingly out of the blue. I really feel like you've done this already though. If you've made this choice already then stick with it, it's a turning point for you.
It's the leap of faith moment and you're ready for the choices it can bring.

Fears / Concerns: Nine of Wands

You're tired and just about ready to give up. You've tried everything and seen no improvements and no results? This card says don't give up! You're so close to the calmer waters that the Six of Swords points to. It's all changing and the moment you get out of your own way you'll see all the good things come flowing in. Manifestations can't work if you don't believe it will. Does that make sense? You're own self doubt could be sabotaging you. Have faith, you're almost there, I definitely feel that good things are coming for you, you just have a bit more work to do.

Outcome: Nine of Swords

Pisces! I'm not going to lie, this isn't the card you want to see in your future. This is anxiety pure and simple. You're own fears are holding you back. If the previous cards didn't make it clear then this one is the flashing neon sign. The image on the card shows a woman seemingly trapped in her room by all the swords at her window. These swords don't actually touch her so she's not in any danger. If she were to just change her perspective she would see the owl at her window. The owl is symbolising wisdom here, the answer. The things you're worrying about are self perpetuating, they're not real or not as severe as you think they are. I keep getting the words 'Mentally drained' coming into my head.

I know that's easy to say and anxiety isn't the easiest thing to clear. I'll pull some clarifying cards to see if I can tell what it is you're struggling with. I'll try to guide you if I can.

Six of Swords Reversed:

This is more delays and a feeling that you're unable to get away from problems. I really get the feeling that this is to do with a relationship that you've just left or you're thinking about leaving. Perhaps this third party is refusing to let you go? 

Four of Swords:

You're in a phase of rejuvenation, rest and relaxation. You're healing right now. Cleansing yourself of negative energy. You're trying to move on from something, I can sense it, like you're pulling away from this source of negative energy that has been draining you.

Three of Swords: 

Perhaps you're feeling confused, questioning the decision you made, or questioning what you know to be the right path to take. There's negative energy here, someone isn't happy with your decision and they're sending malicious thoughts your way.

Queen of Swords:

There they are. Please keep in mind this isn't necessarily a woman, it's more a type of person.
Immediately I get the sense that this is a manipulative, toxic, energy vampire of a person. Maybe they're trying to get you back in an underhanded way, trying to make you feel guilty or doubt your decision. This person isn't thinking about what's best for you. People with this energy type are intelligent and determined. They know exactly how to push your buttons but this time is isn't working and they're getting desperate. Don't give into them Pisces, you don't need this type of person in your life.

I don't like the energy this person is putting on you so I pulled some more cards.


You're at a time of harvest, reaping the rewards from what you have sown but also it's a time of rebirth. There is a sense of renewal here. A transformation is taking place.

You've had a revelation, you're learning and becoming aware. You need to hold yourself accountable though for your past choices and the opportunities you ignored. As you go through this transformation you gain a new insight as to possible changes and the direction you need to go. As you you do this though you're processing and healing. Shedding that old way of thinking, the mindset and the other things that were blocking you.
Conflicts conclude favourably. You're making changes for the better. High Five!

Four of Pentacles:

Withdraw, take a moment to work on you.

Wow, you've got a lot going on Pisces, this isn't going smoothly for you at the moment but remember that Six of Swords, you're heading into calmer waters.

You've made a hard choice, or it's an easy choice but someone else is making it hard for you. That Queen of Swords is not happy about it for sure and they are going to try every trick they have to make you take it back. There's no going back now though, that cycle is done and you're moving forward.
As you become more spiritually awakened and you manifest your wishes and dreams you're moving into your new cycle and it's going to be everything you want it to be. Before you get there though you need to work through anything that's holding you back. Forgive where you need to, help where you can but don't let anyone drain you again. You made the right choice. You needed to let go in the short term so you can gain something better in the long term. I'm going to keep saying it haha.

To close your reading I pull three cards from my Moonology deck to offer you some advice in this situation.

First card: Nothing is set in stone - Mutable Moon.

Something is still developing, changing and there is room for manoeuvre. If you're not one hundred percent happy with how things are then there is still time to change it. You have the power to influence it. There's still time to take an opportunity.

Second card: A time to give rather than take - New Moon in Virgo.

Take stock of your current situation before you move on. What is it that you want? You need to be sure so the Universe knows exactly what you're manifesting. Once you know, then it will all restart for you.
Your health is on the up! Getting rid of that Queen of Swords energy will improve your mental health for sure!
This card also says to try your best not to over analyse, just got with it. Go with the flow.
Be of service to others, make sure you're giving back.

Third card: A time for healing - Balsamic Moon.

I like this one.
The past is the past and a brighter future is calling.
Before you move forward you need to make sure you and this situation are healed. Helping someone doesn't mean giving into them in spite of yourself. Be respectful and help them if you can but remember, the past is the past so leave it there.
Anything is possible if you believe it.
It's time to surrender and wait for guidance from the Universe. You've made your choice, you're clearing the blocks and getting your energy right. Now the universe can work to help you.
Work on belief in your dreams so you're ready when the time comes.
You're about to turn a corner.
It's time to heal.

Wow Pisces! You've got a lot going on at the moment but you're nearly done and good times are coming!

I hope this helps and if it did resonate with you let me know in the comments and be sure to share it with your fellow Pisces.

As always you can find me on Twitter @ LaurenAilie0

Blessed be.

L xx


What's everyone else reading?