Leo May General Tarot Reading - Don't Think So Much

This is a general Tarot reading for Leo for May 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 


Three of Pentacles
The World
Queen of Wands
Five of Swords

You've been steadily working towards a goal, something you feel you have a talent for, perhaps this is a dream of yours? You've been putting in the work and seen some progress but not the leaps you hoped for. There is recognition coming your way though! The World the the last card in the Major Arcana, it comes up when goals are going to be reached, it's the end goal. It's assured success but only for dreams where you put the work in, goals that you work steadily towards. It's not overnight success so keep going.

There is a warning though, the Five of Swords says to watch out for someone who doesn't necessarily have your best interests at heart. They're not fundamentally a bad person, just someone who's looking out for themselves first and foremost. This person might be being dishonest or gossiping, doing something to undermine you and your progress. There is also a Queen of Wands energy here, this is just a type of energy so it doesn't have to be female. This Queen of Wands is someone who is quite energetic, she's always involved in whatever is going on, whether that's her place or not. Mostly they just want to help but if they can be centre of attention or the golden girl at the same time then that's bonus points for them. Due to the high energy of this person they do tend to get bored quickly, which is good news if they have been in your business recently. Don't react to them and they will move on pretty quickly! If this is someone you want to keep around then think on your feet and keep them busy. They're probably like Tinkerbell, give them attention or they'll die...

Current Situation: Four of Swords

You're experiencing some downtime. You're quite content with where you are at the moment. As I said above you do have something you're working towards but you're taking a moment to catch your breath, take in your surroundings and plan for the next stages. This card is the card of rest and rejuvenation. Nothing is supposed to be happening yet so don't get frustrated or panic that nothing is happening.

Helpful Energy: Four of Wands

Stability, that's what this card is showing me. You're in a good place to take this rest that the Four of Swords mentions. You're quite content at the moment, you're life is quite easy, job isn't bad, home life is pretty good. You're in a comfortable place. You know if you pushed yourself that you could have something amazing,  but you're happy to just wait here where it's easy and comfortable. 

For now anyway...

Foundation: Seven of Wands

I have this feeling of restlessness for you Leo. You're chilling right now and I get the feeling that like a cat in the sun you're super happy to just stay there. Something has got you feeling like you need to be making progress. Seven of Wands is confrontation and it's as though you need to defend your position. Is someone asking more of you? Are you asking more of you. Pushing you to work that bit harder and get that promotion you're so capable of getting, or getting out into the world and starting that relationship? Something is challenging your chilled approach.

This is so opposite the current situation card that I'm going to clarify using my Green Witch Tarot Deck.

Seven of Chalices Reversed, Three of Chalices and Two of Pentacles.

Someone feels as though you're deluding yourself Leo, spending too much time daydreaming and not being as practical as they feel you should be. You're very content in your easy bubble, perhaps you're missing a bigger picture.Two of Pentacles is all about finding balance, you need to have dreams and ambition but you can't spend all the time thinking about it and putting in no action. If you want to be happy, truly happy and not just comfortable, then you need to find that balance and put some more work in. You're being prodded to get going again on this project you started.

Past: Ace of Swords

You have this source of inner strength, you can dig deep and overcome setbacks and obstacles, you're not using it to it's full potential though. The Universe lent you this strength so you could do great things but I feel like you stopped short of your goal. The last steps won't be easy but they do promise great rewards. Are you hanging back though because it's easier to stay where you are? 

Within Three Months: Two of Wands

Here you go Leo! You've had your rest and now it's time to get moving again. You might not have a choice if I'm honest, if you want to avoid conflict. You're starting on a new path or getting back on the one you started back when this Ace of Swords energy came into play. The initial stages are complete, the ball is rolling but you need to put more work in to keep it moving. You might not know exactly what you need to be doing but small steps every day doesn't hurt and you can work it out as you go along. A work in progress is still progress!

Three to Six Months: Five of Wands

This is why you have that Ace of Swords energy. You are going to ruffle some feathers with the actions you take but they are for the best. You don't need to stomp all over someone else or hurt anyone but there are moments where you need to put yourself first and do what's best for you. This is probably one of those moments. You need to make smart choices and this might mean pointing out an issue that no one else wants to admit to. You need to find the balance between causing conflict for the drama and rocking the boat for progress sake. There's a lot to this, I'm going to pull some green cards.

Queen of Pentacles and Two of Wands:

Yep, the Queen of  Pentacles is the independent business woman, she's stable and self sacrificing. You're going to stand up for yourself and work on your own goals. It's probably not going to make you popular in certain circles but it needs to be done to get you moving towards the point that The World card promises. If you've been avoiding doing what you know is right, or what would make you happy, because it might upset someone else, then you need to look for that balance. Weigh it up, there might be conflict for the moment but is the end result worth it?

Environmental Energy: Knight of Pentacles

Around you right now is a sense that you need to do something. Take action and you'll start to see things move. The Knight of Pentacles is something you've waited for, perhaps for a long time, coming to you. This is the slowest knight in the deck but the good outcomes they bring is assured.

Clarifying: Ten of Cups Reversed and Three of Chalices.

I don't like to give negative reads but the Ten of Cups reversed isn't a great card to pull. It's family disputes (this can be your work family too!) quarrels and just bad vibes. It's not going to be an easy process for you, you probably knew this though which is why you've held back so far. It needs to be done though, the Three of Chalices is a reason to celebrate. Once you're through the tough bit you'll be glad you did it. 

Advantages / Help: The Chariot

What you're going through is going to take some self discipline, there's no giving up with this one. You need to persevere and stay focused if you're going to succeed. Don't forget you've been set up with that Ace of Swords energy already. You might need to dig deep but you can do it. You can overcome any obstacles put in your path.

Fears and Concerns: High Priestess

There is more than meets the eye going on here. There's unfilled potential that even you don't know about yet but these secrets are going to come to light. When they do they will be to your benefit. There is also a sense that you need to listen to your intuition. You know what you need to be doing and you know what arguments it's going to cause. I'm sure you've spent a lot of time thinking it over in every possible scenario. 

Outcome: Nine of Wands

You've thought about this so much and so hard that you've created a wall of fear and anxiety around what you need to do. The fear of what bad things might happen is keeping you from seeing the answer and the bigger picture. Just as the swords in the image don't actually touch the woman you're not in any danger from the things you're worrying about. Change your perspective and you'll see the way forwards.

You might have to go through some bad times but they won't be as bad as you expect them to be. Stay focused and keep going and it will all work out in the end.

I think you know what you need to do but I'm going to pull some advice from my Moonology Oracle deck.

Expect Powerful Change: New Moon Eclipse

This is a card of new beginnings and holds powerful energies. It promises that it's going to be quite a ride, the events that take place could be quite jarring, uncomfortable at times even. Any new directions you take lead to somewhere better though. Have the courage to leave the past behind.

This is an important turning point in your life.

Don't Let Your Past Hold You Back: South Node

This is a Karmic point that links to the past. Whatever you're going through you're being held back by old behaviours. You need to release negative / toxic people or situations, behaviours that you have always relied upon. Go with your gut reactions. 
Perhaps you have an attraction to something that is verging on obsessive. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. This just popped into my head.

Surrender To The Divine: Full Moon

Life is coming to a conclusion. Your life moves in cycles and one must end before another can begin. You need to close something out before you move on. Now is the time to tune into your emotions, get out of your head and follow your heart for once. Do what you know is right. 
Work hard to keep progress moving and watch your new path unfold.
It's make or break time.

Wow Leo that felt like I got to be in your head for a bit. You know what you need to do but what about the conflict it will cause, but you want to be happy, but it's going to be hard, but it's something you always wanted, but it might go wrong. There is a lot of back and forth in your thoughts but this is a time of going with your gut and listening to your heart. The Universe has your back, it's given you that Sword energy so you can battle through and The World card promises success as long as you work steadily towards your goals and don't give up!

I hope this reaches the Leo readers that were meant to hear it. If it resonated please let me know, I'd be interested to hear from you. :)

I really do hope this helps anyone who needs it.

Blessed Be.

L xx

Find me on Twitter LaurenAilie0


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