Pisces June 2019 Tarot Reading - Your next great adventure...

This is a general Tarot reading for Pisces for June 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Wheel of Fortune
The Devil
Queen of Pentacles

It’s time for change and goodness me it’s one hell of a change! You’ve shed your demons, or at least you acknowledge them and you’re working on exorcising them. Slow progress is still progress. 
I feel like you’ve healed yourself though, you’ve cleared your energies and now you’re ready to move on. Towards this Queen of Pentacles energy perhaps? They’re steadfast and cheerful. Someone who is strong and positive, they are good when it comes to business and calm under pressure. This person is independent though, they have their life together all on their own. You could be moving towards an Earth Sign, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

You’re balanced and feeling grounded. You’ve worked through the past and now there is this serenity and calmness that surrounds you. You’re ready for this next cycle, which is good because it’s coming your way fast!

Current Situation: Six of Swords

I really like this card, it’s quite underrated. Essentially its all about sailing into calmer waters. I’m sure after the tough times you’ve been through and the demons you’ve cleared away that this is a welcome sight. As I always say when this card comes up, the swords represent lessons and these lessons will be with you always. You’re stronger because them though. The boat is moving forwards and so are you Pisces!

Helpful Energy: The Emperor

I feel like this is your new energy. You’re embracing your own worth and your own power. Stepping into this Emperor energy. He’s in charge, with his life together, ready to be in control (in control, not controlling) ready to lead the way. Levelheaded and rational he knows what to do, or he knows how to work it out.

You’re the captain of your own ship again Pisces! Finally haha. You’re ready to get back on track and work towards your purpose, you are destined for great things with the Emperor present. The hard bit is done and now you’ll start to see the steady movement you get when you’re on the right path.

Foundation: Six of Cups

So the basis for all of this is something from the past. To me this card has a soul mate, twin flame energy. Maybe that’s who you’re heading towards now. As I keep mentioning, you’re beating those demons of yours. I will keep mentioning it because it takes a strong person to come through what you’ve been though! Go you! My point is that you’ve done the healing, cut the ties and moved on from something negative. It was hard but it was the right thing to do because now the way is clear for you to go to your soul mate. They’re waiting for you.

Past: Seven of Pentacles

This is all about the harvest. The fruits of your past efforts are now ready to be harvested so you can enjoy the fruits of your labors.

What’s all this about though? Green Witch Tarot time!

Eight of Wands and The Sidhe

This is news coming in swiftly and from a distance. I get the feeling that your soulmate lives quite far from you, another country maybe. Perhaps you have been talking to them over the internet, or you will be? The Sidhe is about manifestation and being patient. As the witch in the card mixes the ingredients for her potion, she is also listening to the advice of the fae.  The Universe wants to bring your manifestations to you, but you need to help them by taking action and listening to your intuition. So maybe you need to make the first contact if there is someone you have your eye on. Your soul mate whom you’re manifesting to you. Get all the ingredients together and watch as the Universe turns them into your wishes and dreams.

Within Three Months: Queen of Swords

There they are Pisces. Your soul mate and they’ll be with you within three months! It might just be friendly communication; soul mate relationships are the ones that build slowly but they stand the test of time. They have the strongest foundations, there’s something nice about getting to know someone. This energy isn’t gender specific by the way, the people cards never are. This Queen is someone who is quite strong willed with a good sense of fair play. They don’t like liars and they do not tolerate cheats. They’re your match though Pisces. There’s no codependency with this one, they’ll stand beside you and support you.

Three to Six Months: Eight of Wands

Here it is again. This is all going to happen very fast, but that’s just what you want! You get to know this person and then you’re sure. This is the one you want; they really are your soul mate! You need to make that first contact I feel. That Queen of Swords is ok on their own, so they won’t be the first one to speak up. Once you make contact though they’ll definitely be happy to hear from you. The Universe is backing you Pisces so there’s nothing to fear here. This is destined, it’s meant to be! Once you open that door this eight of wands energy is going to close that last bit of space between you very quickly.

This is such a nice read! I’m so excited for you.

Environmental Energy: Page of Swords

Ok, you’ve been dragging your heels a little. This is the card of delayed news. I think it’s self-inflicted though. You’ve been through a lot and you’re cautious, I get the sense that you’re doubting whether your intuition is right. Is this really happening, is it really possible, is this really your person? It is, and they are. The key to manifestations is to believe that those things you’re manifesting are already going to happen. You just need to take that leap of faith into your new cycle and it will get things moving again.

Couple of clarifiers…

Ten of Wands and The Earth Mother

WOW! The Earth Mother is essentially The Empress. The Empress to your Emperor energy. This person really is your perfect match. The Ten of Wands in this context is all about burden, being overwhelmed or overburdened. Have you been hanging back from this union because you felt like you would be a burden to this Empress? Too much emotional baggage to bring forwards so you have been clearing that baggage and getting back to the higher vibrations. Getting ready so that you can present the best version of yourself to this person. Don’t get me wrong, as I said, good on you for getting rid of those bad habits and negativity, but I feel that your Empress can handle you at your worst. Neither of you are perfect but you’re perfect for each other.

Both the Empress and Emperor energy in the same spread are my symbol of the power couple.  Once you two come together nothing can stop you.

Helpful Energies: Ten of Swords

Yep, you’re at the end of a cycle. Whatever it is that you went through is done, it’s behind you. Time to look to the future.

Fears and Concerns: Ten of Wands
Be careful not to overthink things. That’s an easy way to get yourself overwhelmed. It doesn’t matter what scenarios you come up with in your head, the Universe will make it happen in a completely unexpected way. So why stress yourself out? Just enjoy the process and the journey as that’s where the fun is.

‘It’s time for adventure’ just popped into my head. XD

Outcome: Temperance

Temperance is all about patience and balanced emotions. Have you struggled with depression and anxiety? If this is you, don’t let it take the wind out of your sails. When that little voice scoffs at you and tells you that it will never happen tell it to get lost. Temperance is also the card of divine manifestations. Look closely at the card, she’s pouring water against gravity into the cup of fire and the flames aren’t going out at all! She’s doing the impossible! It’s all about divine timing as well, it won’t happen until it’s meant to.

Time for Moonology, these cards are so beautiful.

Don’t let pride get in your way: Full Moon in Leo:

Leo energy is all about the heart. This card my have come to you because you need to end a deadlock that has developed – more love and thoughts for the greater good are the solution to this dilemma. Creative urges should be followed – use your magic!

Emotions are running high! : Supermoon

If you’re wondering how successful something is going to be, such as a relationship, the answer is very. You can expect plenty of good things and positive outcomes when this card comes up. You may find there’s a lot of emotions to deal with though.
There’s also a sense that the opportunities around whatever you’re asking about don’t come along every day, so take action.
Something exciting lies ahead!

Step out of your comfort zone: North Node

There’s a strong feeling when you get this card that it’s time to leave the past behind somehow, because you’re headed in the right direction. It’s urging you to do something different with your life and your direction, to take action. So are you willing to follow through and lead the life you incarnated to live? Find the courage to take a leap of faith
You’re headed for something which feels like ‘destiny’.

WOW, wow, wow! I wish this was my monthly read! Your soul mate is waiting for you Pisces you just need to make that leap towards them. The Universe is ready to help you!

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all. I hope this helps you through June and I can’t wait to see what you’re up to next month.

L xx

I have Instagram now, follow me (lauren_ailie) over there to see when your next reading is posted. I will also be posting daily reads and daily oracle cards on there! Or on Twitter @LaurenAilie0 😊


What's everyone else reading?