Cancer May General Tarot Reading - Look at the power couple!

This is a general Tarot reading for Cancer for May 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards.


King of Wands
Queen of Pentacles
Eight of Swords
Seven of Cups

In this situation you're either the King or Queen energy, these cards aren't gender specific. The King is energetic and creative, the life of the party kind of person. The queen is independent and successful. They can be a bit of a steamroller though, they are so focused that they can squish anyone that gets in their way. Not in a cruel way, they're just that zeroed in on their goal.
Something to do with this person is causing you anxiety, making you paranoid or just plain worried. This is effecting a decision that you're facing at the moment. You probably know the answer but you're doubting yourself because of past actions. 

Let's unpack this a bit Cancer! This feels very complicated.

Current Situation: Queen of Swords

At the moment all your worries are about this energy. I don't feel like this is you though Cancer. This is another independent energy, where the Queen of Pentacles is a quiet, self assured independence the Queen of Swords is outspoken and strong. They have a powerful sense of fair play and a good reasoning mind. You wouldn't want to cross this person but they are definitely someone you want on your side. As they are in your current position, placement in this reading this person is very much in your life or at least on your mind. 

Helpful Energy: Three of Wands

You're waiting for your ships to come in when it comes to this Queen of Swords. You're looking out onto the horizon, you're waiting for the sun to come up. You've put some work into this situation and now you're waiting for the rewards to come in.

Is this about a partnership? Is this anxiety causing you to hang back? You can't just sit and wait Cancer, the Universe can help but you need to make the steps forward.

Foundation: Ten of Pentacles

Tens are the end goals. The Ten of Pentacles is all about security and stability at home. It's a strong foundation to have when it comes to relationships. You want that stable, happy life where you don't have to worry about your money, you have a comfortable home and your job is perfect. This is what you're aiming for. You really see this being your life with this other person.

Past: Seven of Swords

This is the card of lies, deceit and betrayal. 

Oh, now I get it. In the past someone has let you down, you've been cheated on is the feeling I'm getting. There is some emotional hurt lingering here. 
Which would make sense given the worry you have. I'm not sure if the Queen of Swords energy is the person from the past that is on your mind and causing the worry or if they are your current person. This might be your mindset as well! Which one is causing you worry, is it the person from the past or the one from the present?

Within Three Months: Four of Pentacles

This is holding on too tightly out of fear. Afraid to let go or to lose what you have at the moment. To make the progress that you're waiting on, shown in that Three of Wands card, you will need to let go a little. Take a leap of faith and trust that something better lies ahead. .

I'm aware that this is easy to say and so hard to experience.This card doesn't say this will have a bad outcome. It just says you need to relax about it.

Three to Six Months: Five of Pentacles.

Remember that nothing is set in stone, but if you continue down this path then you will spend the next six months worrying. This card says that you are worrying so hard that you're missing the solution to your problem. Anxiety and worries can narrow your vision so all that you can see is the worry. If you lift you head and see the big picture you'll notice that there is a way of fixing this, escaping this. If you don't, you could leave yourself out in the cold and miserable. 

I really don't like leaving a negative feeling so I'm clarifying using my Green Witch Tarot.

Earth Mother, Ace of Pentacles and The Battle Wagon.

So.... in order for this situation to come to fruition, to get the ending you want, you need to focus on the good stuff. Keeping your emotions in check, not letting the worries run your life. Like in The Battle Wagon art, your thoughts and emotions are the horses and if you don't keep them under control they will run away with you. This situation can lead to a fresh start for you but you need to exercise some self discipline. Keep those negative thoughts at bay, nothing sabotages faster than doubt. Think logically and make that decision. 

I'm not going to lie, this is a hard reading to follow. What is going on here Cancer, there is a lot of emotions and thoughts going on? I'm going back and forth, between paths and I'm not sure where to start. I've tuned into your energy, I can see why you're confused. I'm going to clarify this whole situation.

Six of Chalices Reversed, Four of Pentacles and Page of Swords.

Yeah, you're pulling away. Something has happened in the past and this is effecting you now. You've closed yourself off, or you're holding back and not giving your all to this new situation. You've been delaying making a decision, resisting change out of worry and fear but you know it needs to be done.

Environmental Energy: King of Swords

Well look at that! The surrounding energy is the matching King to the Queen of Swords. I love it when matching pairs come up. This is your energy Cancer. A little critical but strong of mind and will. You're wise, maybe on the quiet side but as the saying goes, still waters run deep. 

You guys are a good match for each other and everyone around you can see that. Are you refusing to listen though? The Royalty of Swords cards are very strong willed and will dig their heels in when being told what they should think or be doing. The word stubborn does come to mind...

Advantages: King of Cups

Lordy! So much Royal energy going on for you! This King is the guy that rules emotions and feelings. He follows his heart and knows the right things to say. Use this energy and approach in this situation and it will all work out. This guy is relaxed and goes about things with a very chilled nature. Alternatively, there might be someone with this energy that can lend you a helping hand.

Fear and Concerns: Ace of Wands

This energy represents a new way of life. Complete change, this is what you're worrying about. This new person is so very different to anyone you have been with before. It's intimidating for you, but they really are a match and they bring out the best in you. 
This card carries a high level of energy and holds a force of strength. It brings enthusiasm and excitement. Too right Cancer, this is a time to be excited, good things are ahead.

Outcome: Judgement

I really like this card. This is the Karma card. What you sow, so shall you reap. Past efforts are being rewarded. Resurrection, rebirth and renewal. With this card it's very possible to make a new start. It's important to take stock though before positively moving forward. 

Ok, you've gone through some tough times when it comes to relationships. That's the past though and it's time to let them go and move with the positive vibes. This is a good thing for you, you've earned it!

I understand why you're all over the place. Sometimes there just isn't an answer to why things happened in the past. It doesn't matter how tightly you hold onto something if it's meant for you it will come your way and if it's not then it will leave. Sometimes all you can do is go with the flow.

Here comes the advice Cancer, I love this Moonology deck. I'm finding that it really nails what the reader needs to hear.

Expect Powerful Change: New Moon Eclipse

If you're looking for an affirmation that you're going in the right direction and you're going to get your desired outcome, then this is it.
This is a card of new beginnings, there are powerful energies at work. As I said above, this is happening whether you like it or not. It's up to you if you approach it negatively or positively. 
This isn't going to be an easy ride though, events might be jarring and even uncomfortable at times. Any directions you take will lead somewhere better though. Have the courage to leave the past behind and move on as this is an important turning point in your life.

It's Time To Release Negativity: Full Moon In Scorpio

If you've been feeling paranoid and acting weird, take this card as a direct message from the Universe to stop it! Worrying yourself is pointless. Release any negativity in this emotionally intense time. It is time to move forwarded out of joy rather than fear.

Conclusions Are Within Reach: Full  Moon Eclipse

This is all a way for your soul to learn and evolve.
If you're letting go of someone or something then now is the time, the right time, as hard as it might be.
Forgiving someone doesn't make what they did right but it releases it so you can move on.

What I got from your reading Cancer is that you're worrying about a past relationship repeating. Old trauma is effecting a new relationship.
This new relationship is sturdy, it's stable and secure but you're letting the past hold you back.
The King and Queen of Swords are a match, power couple energy even. 
This is a new beginning, you've got the Karma card. You're due some good times!

 I guess you need to work on letting that worry go and we'll check back in June to see if anything has changed.

I hope this has helped clear that chaos of fluctuating thoughts for you. If it did and it has resonated I would love to know! Leave me a comment or drop me a tweet :)


Twitter: LaureAilie0


  1. Hey Guys, something happened with the formatting for this post and for the life of me I can't work out how to fix it. I'm sorry, hopefully it won't happen on the next one.

    L xx


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