Signs You're An Empath

I can't help it, I'm so intrigued by all of this!

I've been deep into the boards of Pinterest absorbing all the information I can about Empaths and Indigo Adults. I haven't branched out into the main internet though, Pinterest provides articles in nice neat packages and I'm lazy.

I'm not taking everything I come across as 100% fact, some of it definitely seems a bit vague, but I've found a few common threads that seem to be somewhat accurate. As I fast approach 30, knowing that I am no where near to having my life together, I'm open to any interpretation of what I'm supposed to be doing. Goodness knows I have next to know clue.

These ideas aren't new to me. My mum and my aunts have always read fortune cards and collected crystals. We've talked about ghost experiences and other supernatural things. These are topics for another post though! What I'm saying is that this idea of magic and being extraordinary isn't exactly new territory for me. I even mentioned this to my mum the other day and she admitted she had thought these things about me even when I was a child. So I've always been a weirdo.

As I waded through the ad riddled quizzes I was noticing patterns of attributes that everyone could agree were Empathetic (?).  Well they were things I could relate to in any case, so I've gathered them together to list here. These aren't all the signs I've come across and I'm still staying open minded but I'll talk through them and note how I connect with them.

So the first thing I came across is very appropriate! Empaths are particularly open minded. They have no problem taking on new ideas about the world and actively seek out knowledge. They want to know everything about everything. It's obvious how I related to this haha. This whole idea is pretty strange but I'm not writing it off as nonsense. I'm being open minded... Sure some of it is a little too new age and spacey for my liking but I'm a believer that there has to be more to the universe than simply us on our little green dot. I like to think I'm open minded in other things as well. Sexual orientation for example, you be who you want and love who you want. Clothing, music, food, travel, all the good stuff, I'm willing to experience it all. Take it all in...
So that's the first sign, open mindedness, being willing  and able to process many ideas and points of view.

This leads on to point number two! Inquisitive.
Empaths are open by nature as they absorb the energy given off by other things. They take it all in to better understand the world around them. I've always loved learning, wanting to know more, to understand better. I love knowing how things work and why. I struggle to accept the answer 'that things are the way they are, just because'. That is a terrible sentence... You know what I mean though, I need a reason behind things. This is a big cause of anxiety for me. Why does that person not like me? Why didn't that work out? Why am I so anxious? This goes for everything, at work for example I like to know why a process is done a certain way. If I understand why it's done that way I can keep that information and use it in the future. So yeah, I'm super nosy. Not in terms of gossip, I couldn't really care less about that but when it comes to learning something new, I'm all over it.

Number three is a big one. Being sensitive to light and noise. Whilst being open to the energies of the world it's easy to take in too much. It's something I've always had but not always paid attention to. Some days even having the TV on normal volume is too much or the light above my desk is stressful. I mean how can a light cause you stress? Instant skin crawling and need to shhh it all. I shhh things a lot.  Anything that's too intense puts me on edge, it's like constantly hearing the sound of a dentist drill in your ear. On occasion it can be having too many sensory inputs going on. So having the radio and the TV on at the same time whilst someone else is having a conversation. It's too much to process and it gives me an anxious energy. There's nothing more peaceful than a darkened room. That moment before you go to sleep when everything is still and quiet is bliss. On a bad day, too many sounds and lights and even being around people can be overwhelming.

This one also links to number four, which is that being in crowds is almost instantly overwhelming. If you imagine that as an Empath you are extra sensitive to the energies, the emotions all the senses of everything that's going on around you. You then place yourself in the middle of a crowd where there is so much going on, in so many variants and it's easy to get overloaded. Like putting a child in the middle of a sweet shop. So many options, though arguably not as fun. I've found that if I walk around with my head phones in and music on, not super loud but enough to be heard over the outside noise, then that helps. It's like I'm giving the anxious part of my brain one thing to focus on and keep busy with whilst I do other things. It's a fidget spinner for my nerves.

The next one seemed really obvious but I couldn't leave it out. It's a fascination with metaphysical topics. So being consciously or unconsciously interested in things like tarot, intuition, meditation, past lives and ghosts. Stuff like that. That makes sense though, if you're already sensitive to those types of energies you're more likely to be drawn to them? I can relate. Like I said before, my family on my mum's side are already into these things, so I've been around it from a young age. Even on my own though I've always been attracted to the supernatural things. As a kid I wanted to be a witch whilst the other girls wanted to be a princess. Every book I read was about magic or vampires or werewolves. I was an angsty teen. I believe I have some form of intuition. I frequently get deja vu and it's normally moments that I remember dreaming about. My dreams are normally pretty weird but it's ordinary moments that when I dreamt of them I wondered what the point of them was. Me sitting at a desk I didn't recognise looking up phone cases. 4 months later I'm working at a new company that makes custom phone cases and I get a deja vu moment when looking up products. Too normal to be a coincidence?
A few years ago I went travelling on my own to America and camped my way down the East Coast, New York to New Orleans. Whilst I was in New Orleans I had my fortune read. It was super interesting and now I'm starting to see her predictions start to happen. If I can find the video I'll post it below. Excuse my sweaty appearance, it was more than 40 degrees Celsius and my pasty English body was not used to it.

These days I read my own tarot and I have read for my friends. It's fun to see their faces when I'm accurate with what I say. I've had my own ghostly experiences as well, but I'll leave those for another post. I love all the supernatural stuff, I could write for hours.

That last point is also close to this point, which is 'Knowing', Empaths just know stuff about you. About most things. They're good at just reading people and situations but also just being sure of stuff without really understanding why. I get this a lot too. To be a good judge of character, just meeting someone for the first time and feeling that they're a bit shady or instantly liking them. Just getting a feeling that someone isn't being honest with you. You have no idea why and can't explain it but you know in your gut. You just get a feeling. It can even be just a sense that something is about to happen. I've had it recently where I feel like an impact is coming. Not a physical one but something that will slam into me and change my life. There's not a bad vibe to it though, just a nervous excitement. How do you explain that to people when you yourself don't even really know what you're talking about? Hey, um yeah, so I have this feeling that something significant is going to happen. Even I know that sounds mental. I have to admit though that I can be quite accurate with my guesses. Freakishly so. It's how I read my tarot. I have no idea if what I'm reading is true but it's the gut feeling I get form the cards that I pulled so I go with it.
This is also very strange but sometimes I find my mouth saying words I didn't mean to say. Yesterday I went to tell Kelly that her partner had rung her mobile but what actually came out of my mouth was that her partner was ringing. Then as I finished saying it he called her phone. I even freaked myself out with that one.
There's a lot to unpack with this one but I'm going to leave it at that for now. My brain is tired.

There are a few more signs that I've found but this post is already super long so I'll do a part two tomorrow. I find this stuff super fascinating, which considering what I listed above isn't that surprising. All this Empath stuff might seem a little bit strange and out there but it feels (get it?) like a puzzle piece falling into place for me.

I'm still apprehensive about voicing this stuff but whatever, lets put my ramblings on the internet!

I would love to know if anyone else has come across this and believes as well?

L xx

Find me on Twitter @LaurenAilie and on Pinterest as soon as I work out how to post my blog on there...


What's everyone else reading?