Libra June 2019 Tarot Reading - A new romantic cycle begins

This is a general Tarot reading for Libra for June 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 


Queen of Wands
Eight of Pentacles
Three of Swords
Eight of Swords

You’re working towards getting back to being yourself, back to being the person you’re meant to be. The Queen of Wands is always busy, involved in anything and everything. She’s ambitious, she works hard, and she plays hard. You’ve been working hard for sure, but you’ve been hurt in the past. Disappointed and let down. Considerably, it was bad. So now you’re anxious, you fear that you’ll get hurt again.

Let’s see if we can help you work through this.

Current Situation: Knight of Swords

Everything is about to change. The energy of this card can seem chaotic, frantic even, but you must not fight it. It will be hard if you try to keep up, so just go with it instead. Let it carry you.

The Knight of Swords makes things happen fast so be ready for the good times to come your way. 

That thing you’ve been working on is about to pay off Libra.

Helpful Energy: Wheel of Fortune

Absolutely…everything is about to change. You’re at the end of a cycle and about to start a new one. Leave the past behind.

The Knight of Swords is going to make it all happen very quickly. The Wheel of Fortune is a great card to pull when you’re ready to move on, it only brings good times to you.

Foundation: The Devil

To me, in this instance, the Devil represents your inner demons. You’re working so hard to clear your energies and do your inner healing work. Clearing out the past hurt, clearing out the anxiety, the anger. You’re evolving and becoming a stronger version of you.

Clearing the energies before the new cycle begins.

Past: Four of Cups

In the past you have focused more on the future and maybe more of the fantasy instead of what you have now. You want that Ace, the regular day to day cups just won’t do. You’re aiming for the big one.

Go for it Libra! There isn’t anything holding you back anymore. The path is open and all you must do now it start walking down it. This is a new cycle and there is so many opportunities waiting down this path.

This card always makes me excited, I love to see people dreaming big.

Within Three Months: Page of Wands

This is good new coming in. Letters, texts, DMs. It’s all going to change when someone contacts you. You’ve probably known this is coming.

I think you know what everything will fall into place as soon as you’ve learnt those cosmic lessons. You’re doing it though. You are and I can feel the good things waiting for you to clear the way.

Three to Six Months: Knight of Wands

Whatever news comes in is really going to kick things off. Knight of Wands brings a lot of excited energy. It’s going to be busy but make sure you keep your level Libra head. Don’t rush into anything.
Between this and the Knight of Swords it’s full steam ahead for you. The Knight of Swords is going to help you cut away the stuff you don’t need and the Knight of Wands is going to speed you through.
This is all going to happen so fast, please just go with it Libra, only good things wait ahead for you.

Environmental Energy: The Fool

Yes! See so many opportunities are available to you. The fool is the first major arcana, he’s the start of the cycle. He has that childlike wonder when it comes to looking at the world. Back when you could be anything and do anything. This new cycle is like that. The world is literally your oyster.
This is your year!

Advantages: Page of Pentacles

Good news that will bring welcome changes to your life.

I want to know what these changes are so I’m pulling from my Green Witch Tarot.

Clarifier: Knight of Swords and Knight of Wands

Swift action and sudden changes when it comes to your career. It’s asking you to be ambitious and have courage, go boldly towards this new opportunity as good news is coming your way!

LOOK AT THIS! Oh my god! We have two Knight of Swords and two Knight of Wands. If you’ve been asking ‘when will it be over? When will it change?  Then this is your answer. It’s all happening and it’s all going to change so quickly.

Fears and Concerns: Ace of Swords

Whatever you’re worried about you’re being sent courage and strength with this Ace Energy. You’re going to cut through all the worry and soldier through. You have the strength to get through the last few moments of a tough situation. Such good things lie ahead. Dig in when the energy and pace picks up, you can do this.

Outcome: Ace of Pentacles

This is such a lovely card to have as your outcome. Put simply it’s a fresh start.
The demons have been exorcised, your mind is clear, you’re getting your power back and now it’s your time to shine. Make use of this opportunity that’s coming your way. It’s a gift from the Universe.

Whatever it is that you’ve been through. It’s really done. For good and now it’s all change. You’re reading is literally a huge change and then a fresh start. Wiping the slate clean so you can start a fresh.

Time for Moonology, these cards are so beautiful, and they give such accurate and lovely advice.

Bring love into the situation: New Moon in Aquarius

It’s time to move forwards. A new moon means no looking back. Change is on its way and it could come in quickly.
I’m not making this up haha, that’s literally what the card says.
Whether you get the change you want depends on whether you believe you can have it and how much you’re relying on others to bring it to you. You have this power Libra, you’re saving yourself. It’s time to be independent, let go of the past ASAP.

A new romantic cycle begins: New moon in Libra
Compromise, it’s time to negotiate. You’re about to start a healthy and well-balanced relationship but make sure you avoid being selfish. This is a negotiation, all good relationships are about balance, give and take.
Get out of your head Libra, feel more, think less.

You and your loved ones are safe: New moon in Cancer

A new start is coming to your private life. If you’re hoping to move forwards, you can do it. Work on clearing insecurity, doing so could bring you your heart’s desire.

LIBRA! WOW! You’ve been through a lot, had your heart broken and your spirit crushed but you’re strong and you’re building yourself back up. Keep going because once you’ve pulled yourself out of this hole there is a gift waiting for you.
It’s like you’ve been clawing your way back from the darkness. Dirt under your nails, battered and bruised but you’re nearly out. Soon you’ll be standing back up in the sun stronger and triumphant.

I’m so proud of you Libra, I can feel your relief when you finally come out the other side of this.

L xx

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all. I hope this helps you through June and I can’t wait to see what you’re up to next month.

I have Instagram now, follow me (lauren_ailie) over there to see when your next reading is posted. I will also be posting daily reads and daily oracle cards on there! Or on Twitter @LaurenAilie0 😊


What's everyone else reading?