Aries June 2019 Tarot Reading - Soul Mate incoming!

This is a general Tarot reading for Aries for June 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Ace of Pentacles
Queen of Cups
Page of Cups
Three of Wands

A fresh start for you Aries. Very nice! As it’s a pentacle card it could be to do with work but as it’s followed up by the Queen of Cups, I feel that this is more to do with love and relationships. As always take it as it resonates with you!

This is the Queen of romance. You can tell by that dreamy look on her face that she spends her time daydreaming and fantasising about the love of her life. If this is your energy, then prepare for a fresh start when it comes to your love life. The Page of Cups brings good news of a romantic nature and paired with the three of wands your ships are coming in. Perhaps you get news that whoever this person is that you’ve been dreaming about is coming into your life. They might even be reaching out to you! Offering that cup.

Current Situation: Emperor

Oh, there is a strong energy coming in for you. This could be male or female but it’s someone with a strong masculine energy. They take charge and lead the way. This person is definitely on your mind right now. They are at the centre of your reading and they’re going to be important this month.

Helpful Energy: Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles is all about the harvest. It’s seeing your tree bear fruit and waiting to be able to pick that fruit. It’s not quite ripe yet, but it’s not far off. The thing about the harvest though is that you can’t pick the fruit and then sit around. You need to refresh the land and take care of the tree so that it will continue to grow fruit. You’ve got the first fruit off this tree but if you want it to spread and keep going then you need to continue to put the work in.

This Emperor is on his way but you can’t stop working at drawing them in.

Foundation: Eight of Cups

You can only hold so many cups at one time and you need to let go of something to make room for the next cycle. This situation has come about because you walked away from something that wasn’t working for you. You dropped some of what was in your hands. You made a choice to leave or turn your back on someone that wasn’t there for you or a situation that wasn’t fulfilling anymore. No one needs empty cups, you want the emotionally full ones.

I’ve been working on my spiritual downloads and as I think about this Eight of Cups, I’m reminded that the ultimate card of emotional happiness, the happily ever after card is the Ten of Cups. What does it take to make the Eight of Cups into the Ten? Two of Cups, the soul mate card, so maybe there is a soul mate coming in for you? That Emperor card.

Past: King of Swords

In your recent past is the King of Swords. This could be you cutting through the mental fog, realising what needs to change. Seeing the truth about a situation. This could be why you walked away with that Eight of Cups. It could also be a person that you’re leaving behind. Someone who is stern and very strict, they’re very intelligent but can be quite domineering. They’re not necessarily a bad person, they’re strong people and good leaders, they won’t lead you astray. They’re just not the Emperor…

Within Three Months: King of Cups

Here you go, the King of Cups is the hopeless romantic. The Soul partner to the Queen of Cups that came out in the overall cards. I get the feeling that you’re going from a very stoic person that didn’t really show you the affection on the level that you want, to someone who has no fear about showing you how much they cherish you. They are in touch with their emotions. Expect to see them come into your life in the next three months, by September. Or if they’re already here then you’ll move on to the next stage in your relationship.

Three to Six Months: Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is my confident queen. She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid or ashamed to go and get it. She’s not doubting herself or what she deserves. She knows what she’s worth and we won’t take any less. This King of Cups is going to come into your life and empower you. You’re going to grow as a person, you’re going to feel beautiful and strong.

There’s more to this though so let’s see what the Green Witch Tarot has to say!

Six of Pentacles & Three of Chalices

Yeah, you know what you want, where you want to spend your energy. There’s no more wasting your time pouring your love and emotions into someone who doesn’t do the same back. No more emptying your cup into someone else you doesn’t fill you up in return. You step into your power and when you do everything is going to light up for you, a reason to celebrate.

Environmental Energy: Page Wands

There’s this sense of something good coming in for you. Good news, events that lead to good things. All around you things are going to get better. You’re stepping back onto your path and into the current of the energy as it flows towards your future. The moment you go with the flow it’s as though everything is in fast forward.

Advantages: The Fool

The Fool is the first card in the major arcana, the zero card because nothing has been written yet. Like fresh snow there are no footsteps, no past journeys yet and it’s up to you to choose where that first step lands. The Fool brings a major choice and a major change, you might have a sense that something is coming but you’ll never guess what The Fool brings.

You’re ready for this though Aries!

Fears and Concerns: Nine of Wands

Don’t give up though. You’re so tired and you’ve been wondering if you have the strength to keep going. It’s been a long and hard journey and you’re not sure if you can make it. You’re so close, you’re at the peak of the hill and soon you will see the sun come over the crest. Dig deep and push towards that last few steps. Don’t give up yet, you’re so close.

Outcome: Seven of Wands

You’re bracing against something, feeling defensive. I get the sense that you’re preparing yourself for the moment that the Universe is going to take the good things away. For the inevitable blow that will knock you back down that hill. Aries, it’s not coming….

Six of Chalices Reversed

The clarifying card says the same. Six of Chalices in Reverse is leaving the past behind. It’s done with and there is no repeating it. Use that Queen of Swords strength, confidence and clarity. Stand strong and tall and knock back any doubt that tells you that it will fall apart. Instead of preparing for the knockout blow, turn the tables and you knock back that doubt. Good things are coming to you. What is yours will not pass you by or be taken away.

If anything is removed, then it’s because it wasn’t for your highest good and better things are coming. If it goes then that’s because it’s not good enough for you.

Time for Moonology, I’m really enjoying these oracle cards.

Balance spirituality and practicality: Full Moon in Pisces

It’s time to find an inner balance between your responsibilities and your dreams. Meditate on your question and the solutions to your issue may now come through very clearly. If you’re in a tricky situation because you’ve been acting the martyr, this card will be a message from the cosmos to drop the act, for everyone’s sake.
You’re in a super-romantic – but not super realistic -state.
Follow your intuition – it won’t let you down.
The person you’re enquiring about is a soul mate.

Work through your fears: New Moon in Scorpio

This card suggests a rebirth. Think of your situation as the phoenix that’s rising from the ashes; as the ‘birth, death, rebirth’ paradigm. Whatever you have been through, a new start lies ahead. It might be a little dark (it almost certainly won’t be rainbows and unicorns), but it will be deep and transforming.
It can also herald the start of a sexier time, if you’ve been experiencing something of a drought then emotional intimacy is also on the menu. There’s nothing superficial about what’s coming your way.

Hold your vision: Fixed Moon

Stand firm in whatever situation you’re in. It’s up to you to decide what’s going on. This card offers up a chance for self-reflection.
Staying-power, faith or patience are needed.

This is your time Aries. It’s a fresh start and time for you to step into your power. Use the strength of that Ram energy you all have and charge forwards. Someone is waiting for you so go sauntering in like you own that situation!
I really feel that sigh of relief Aries, I’m happy for you and I’m excited to see where you’re at next month!

L xx

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all. I hope this helps you through June and I can’t wait to see what you’re up to next month.

I have Instagram now, follow me (lauren_ailie) over there to see when your next reading is posted. I will also be posting daily reads and daily oracle cards on there! Or on Twitter @LaurenAilie0 😊


What's everyone else reading?