Capricorn June 2019 Tarot Reading - The only thing you have control over is YOU.

This is a general Tarot reading for Capricorn for June 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Ace of Cups
Seven of Wands
Knight of Pentacles
Six of Cups

Very nice Capricorn! Ace of Cups is a new beginning in relationships, could be romantic or a friendship. It’s something you’re going to have to fight for though, there are no half attempts this time. Don’t expect quick results either, the Knight of Pentacles is the slowest moving knight in the tarot deck but slow and steady wins the race. He is the only knight that makes it over the finish line. The Six of Cups speaks of something from your past. You might be trying to win back someone from your past or undo a mistake you made in the past, trying a new perspective this time round. This might be why you’re having to stand your ground this time, avoiding slipping back into old behaviors or bad habits.

That’s your overall energy but let’s get deeper into this Capricorn!

Current Situation: Ten of Pentacles

Good times are rolling in for you. You can’t believe your luck, it’s as though you’ve rediscovered this chest and you thought it had been lost forever, or perhaps you had just forgotten about it. The Ten of Pentacles is stability and abundance. It’s building a strong foundation on which you can settle and grow. The Pentacles are the earth energy so you should be feeling much more grounded right now. If you don’t just yet then you will do soon!

Helpful Energy: Justice

Yeah, with the Justice card what is yours is coming to you. You’re going to get what you deserve, payment for all the work you’ve put in. This is your justice for the bad things you’ve been through. The scales are being evened out and balance is being restored. You’re becoming more settled and grounded for sure!

Foundation: Five of Wands

This is a conflict card; I get the sense that you’re rebuilding after a conflict brought everything down to the foundations. This could be inner conflict though as well, frustration and anger. There is something that stopped you in your tracks and gave you a realisation. It was probably something that came as a shock to you, a bit of a slap in the face which is why it’s sitting here as your foundation. You know what’s at stake now so you’re going to use it as a grounding point and build from there. You’re going to keep fighting forward, no giving up and no short cuts this time.

It is a strange card to have as your foundation so I’m going to clarify using my Green Witch Tarot.

King of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles Reversed and Three of Chalices Reversed

So, you’ve got help coming in if it’s not happening already from another earth sign, Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus or maybe you’re looking after yourself. Someone who is stable and down to earth. They have their life together. Whether it’s you or someone else you’re getting urged to move forwards and start taking steps towards the goals you’ve set. It could even be self-healing. You’re going to overcome any troubles that have held you back and use courage to find hidden opportunities. Where you might have just been staying in your regular routine you’re going to start reaching out and exploring what is available to you. If you have been feeling unappreciated or disheartened your foundation energy is encouraging you to stay strong and keep fighting forwards.

Past: Death

I’ve been finding that people get spooked when this card comes up. It very rarely means literal death though, in most situations it’s about the end of something. A situation or a behavior for example that is changing, like a snake shedding its skin, the old dead cells are shucked away to make room for the new.
Again, I get the sense that you had a realisation that it was time to change. To leave old thought patterns and behaviors behind. Letting them die away to make room for growth and a new start.

Within Three Months: The Empress

The people cards can relate to either gender so this could be you or someone else but to me this feels more like you and your energy. You’re going to start to see things happen and move, I just had the image of a flower blossoming come to mind. The petals slowly opening, remember this is a Knight of Pentacles time energy. The Empress brings things to fruition, the birth of new ideas or new starts. I would say that you’ll start to see real progress in this new relationship within the next three months where you might have not seen any progress before.

Three to Six Months: Three of Pentacles

This new relationship is going to start moving and then you’re going to need to keep putting the effort in, the work, to keep it moving. Relationships require effort for them to thrive. It shouldn’t be hard or painful, but you need to put effort in. If you just leave it then it won’t progress and then it becomes stagnant, boring even. Relationships are all about balance, both sides need to be equal.

Environmental Energy: Two of Wands

This is a great energy to come up in this position. You’re at a crossroads, about to start down a new path. You need to make a choice and then start moving, the Universe and your guides can and want to help you, but they can’t bring good things in if you’re standing still. Just explore this new world, new perspective and the Universe will bring your justice to you. Nice and easy :)

Advantages: The Tower

Personally, I’m learning to not fear the tower moments. They’re the moments where everything you thought you knew tumbles away. If this happens though this is because they weren't meant to stay. 

In your case though Capricorn, it feels more like this tower moment has already happened. Back to that realisation, there was a moment that shocked you and everything you thought you had crumbled right down to your foundations. This isn’t a bad thing though! It gives you the chance to rebuild afresh. A real fresh start.

The Oak King and The Moon

I had to laugh when I took the photo for this one. The camera thinks someone blinked because the moons eyes are closed XD
With these two cards coming in to clarify I sure that this Tower card is all about gaining a new perspective, any illusions you had about the way things were or should be, were pulled out from under to you. You’re really seeing things as they are now.

Fears and Concerns: Six of Wands

Usually this card is about success, the person in the card is the bearer of good news. In this position though it feels more like you’re one of the people in the crowd watching the person up on the horse. They’re successful and moving forward as you watch from the sidelines. Perhaps you fear being left behind as everyone else around you progresses. The Universe is urging you to get back on your own horse and start going forward.

Outcome: The Chariot

What did I just say! The Chariot in the outcome position is all about movement. Like the person riding in the chariot, you’re in charge of the horses. You’re steering this vehicle so start heading where you want to go! It’s down to you, others will help you but at the end of the day the effort needs to come from you.

The only thing you have control over is you.

Lets see what advice my Moonology cards have for you.  

Nothing is yet set in stone: Mutable Moon

‘Mutable’ is all about change – shapeshifting even; that something is still developing. So, take it is a sign that the situation you’re asking about is far from finalized. If you’re not happy with the current state of play, that’s great – it means you can still change the course of the outcome.
Staying adaptable is the key to success for you now.
Have you become distracted? It’s time to focus.

A fiery climax approaches: Full Moon in Aries

There’s a tug of war going on between what you want and what someone else wants, but you’ll have to wait a little while longer to see how it turns out. As you wait, ask yourself if you’ve been handling the situation as sensitively as you could have done. If you know deep down that you’ve been a little rash or harsh, gone too fast or over-stepped the mark, then accept that on some level you’ve created this situation yourself, which means you can create your own way out of it too.

Being assertive is good – just don’t ride roughshod over anyone.

Look at the bigger picture: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Are you thinking too much about the details of your dilemma? Fretting over minutiae can be counterproductive. This card is a reminder the while it’s good to think things through, sometimes you need to step back and look at the bigger picture. Now is a time to count your blessings, even if you don’t have exactly what you want. Try to keep an open mind about what’s for the best, the universe could surprise you.

I think this is a perfect start for you Capricorn. It’s a slow and steady progress for you. Nothing is rushed, you can take your time and do it in your own time. Just remember to leave the past behind and be conscious about not falling into old patterns or behaviors. You might not get a second chance. I have faith in you Capricorn, lets do this.

L xx

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all. I hope this helps you through June and I can’t wait to see what you’re up to next month.

I have Instagram now, follow me (lauren_ailie) over there to see when your next reading is posted. I will also be posting daily reads and daily oracle cards on there! Or on Twitter @LaurenAilie0 😊


What's everyone else reading?