Gemini June 2019 Tarot Reading - A new perspective...

This is a general Tarot reading for Gemini for June 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Nine of Cups
Eight of Swords
Eight of Pentacles

Nine of Cups is a great card to pull in your overall reading! This is a wish card, it’s not a miracle level wish but it is more like achieving a goal that you’ve been chasing for a while. Something that you’ve wanted for a long time. Eight of Swords is worry and anxiety though, you want this wish but you’re worried that it will never come along, it will never happen. Next up you have the Justice card. You don’t need to worry Gemini, you’re going to get your justice! The wish you deserve is going to happen, but you need to put the work in. Wishes don’t just happen on their own. You need to take action so that the Universe can take those actions and use them to bring good things to you. It could be that your worry is blocking you, your own fears are getting in the way of this wish. You need to work on letting that anxiety go, it’s not easy but the second you do, I mean actively try your hardest to let it go, you’ll start to see good things coming in.

Current Situation: King of Swords

This speaks of a relationship to me. You have the King of Swords as your main card. These cards aren’t gender specific; I’m learning that as they do speak of energy, this card for example speaks of a more masculine energy. Everyone has masculine and feminine energy, it’s the balance within us.
Regarding this reading though your King of Swords is someone who’s in charge, they’re strong and on top of things. They know what they’re doing, and they have the calm demeanor of someone who is in control of their life. They are someone who is at the centre of your wish.

Helpful Energy: Queen of Swords

That King of Swords energy is backed up by the matching Queen. She’s independent and strong in her own right but I am getting a feeling of codependency. Codependency isn’t a healthy aspect in a relationship. If you put all your self-worth in the hands of someone else, you’re at risk of losing a lot if they walk away. Stand beside someone but don’t rely on them to always hold you up.

If you want this King of Swords you need to match them in strength to be the equivalent Queen. This King isn’t the one to turn to if you need reassurance. They’ll do their best and will try to help you, but they’ll get frustrated quickly when their comfort doesn’t work to make you feel more secure. They’re not the PDA type of energy. They love you dearly and will protect you, but they won’t keep having the same conversation to reassure you that they feel that way.

I hope that makes sense!

Foundation: The Hierophant

The Hierophant in this position, feels like someone quite wise. It’s knowledge. You know what you need to know in this situation. You have all the pieces to the puzzle so there is nothing else you need to uncover. It’s a solid foundation to build a relationship on. Complete honesty in the knowledge that you already have all the answers you need.

You just need to believe it

Past: Four of Wands

This is a commitment card for me. It’s balanced and strong, stable. In your past position though I get the impression that this is where this situation started. If it is a relationship then it began so strong, you felt stable and safe, but something has happened that has shaken this. Something might have come to light that shattered the happy bubble you had imagined for yourself.

I keep seeing the couple standing between the pillars but then the sky clouds over and a storm begins to rip apart the scene. The decorations are torn away, and the couple are being buffeted by strong winds.

It feels as though you’re creating this storm though Gemini, the dark clouds are negative thoughts and they are what’s pulling your happy ever after apart.

Within Three Months: The Hanging Man

You need to change your perspective. The Hanging Man is upside down, but he put himself there. He must literally turn his world upside down, turn it on its head so he can see it differently.
Change your perspective, don’t focus on the negative stuff and let the past negative actions go if they’re no longer significant. Don’t hold onto them just because you see it as an anchor in this storm. If you can’t move on from them then maybe, it’s time to walk away?

Whatever this situation is approach it differently. Make a conscious effort to not react in the same way when you feel the worry come up. Refuse to think on it. When it pops up find a distraction and let it go.

I know anxiety isn’t easy to deal with but I do see you changing your perspective in the next three months. You can do this!

Three to Six Months: Nine of Pentacles

 Here you go! The Nine of Pentacles is a strong person, stable in their own right. They’re ok on their own in that they don’t need someone elses validation to feel good about themselves. This person is very serene, there is a calmness when you’re reliant only on yourself. They complete themselves.

Environmental Energy: Queen of Pentacles

Again, this is another stable and grounded person. It could be an Earth sign, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Someone to act as a sounding board for you, a mentor. They are a very grounded person and they can help you see the truth in your situation. Help you find your new perspective.
Why are they here though? As always, I’m clarifying with my Green Witch Tarot.

The Greenman & The Horned God

You’re on the edge of a fresh start, a chance to start again, start a new in this situation. You want to take this opportunity, but you can’t approach it in the same old way. Step into your personal power, build your self-confidence and ground yourself.

This mentor is coming in to support you as you change the way you look at things. When you’re not sure what to do next turn to this person.

Advantages: Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles bring excellent news and change. It is the slowest Knight in the deck but slow and steady wins the race. You’re being allowed to take your time with this. Baby steps will get you through and rushing anything will only slow you down. This is the slowest Knight, but he is the only one that crosses the finish line.

Fears and Concerns: The High Priestess

Gemini, do you have the sense that there is something you don’t know? A niggle in your gut that you just can’t shake. You need to learn to tell the difference between your intuition and anxiety or worry. I also feel that there’s a lot of paranoia happening. Again change your perspective, look at this from a grounded position and you’ll be surprised at just how different it looks.

Outcome: Knight of Swords

This Knight is going to cut through all the foggy paranoia. He is the swiftest Knight and he can be a little brutal in his actions, but he gets things moving quickly.
The moment you begin to change your perspective you’ll notice the energy around you shift and it will all start to move quickly. That or the Universe won’t give you a choice but to make the change.

I use my Moonology deck for advice. I feel for you Gemini, advice is definitely welcome right now.

Balance spirituality and practicality: Full Moon in Pisces

Have you been so head in clouds that you’ve lost touch with reality? If so, take this card as a sign that you need to pay attention and make a concerted effort to move towards your goals – the more practical steps you can take, the better.
It’s time to find an inner balance between your responsibilities and your dreams.
The person you’re asking about is a soul mate but make sure you avoid substance abuse…

Meditate and contemplate: New Moon in Pisces

This card speaks of dreams and romance, of soul mates and poetry. It suggests there’s a new start coming your way that’s connected to a matter that leaves you feeling somewhere between having your head in the clouds and being in a totally altered state.

There could be confusion and disappointment if that’s what you’re expecting. However, if you’re onto a good thing then wish hard because the words of your soul and your heart help bring about the manifestation of your dreams.

Face your fears – they may be holding you back.

A new romantic cycle begins: New moon in Libra

When the new moon in Libra comes up, there’s a restart for you and for someone else. Compromise, it’s time to negotiate. You’re about to start a healthy and well-balanced relationship but make sure you avoid being selfish. This is a negotiation, all good relationships are about balance, give and take.

Feel more, think less!

You’re at a crunch point Gemini but I’m not worried for you. Stay grounded, look at it differently and you’ll be just fine!

L xx

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all. I hope this helps you through June and I can’t wait to see what you’re up to next month.

I have Instagram now, follow me (lauren_ailie) over there to see when your next reading is posted. I will also be posting daily reads and daily oracle cards on there! Or on Twitter @LaurenAilie0 😊


What's everyone else reading?