Virgo June 2019 - Are you ready for this?

This is a general Tarot reading for Virgo for June 2019. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarification I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Page of Swords
Six of Swords
Eight of Pentacles
The Star

Have you been waiting on a wish? Waiting to see a manifestation come to fruition but you haven’t seen any progress? You’re not the only one Virgo, a few of the other signs are going through a similar thing. The Page of Swords is delayed news or things taking longer than you thought. There’s a reason for this so try not to get impatient and frustrated. With the Six of Swords present you’re sailing through to calmer waters, moving on to easier times. There is some healing and processing, self-work (Eight of Pentacles) you need to do before this new situation, this wish can happen for you. With the Star card here your wish is definitely coming to you, so why rush it? Take your time and get everything in order before you start the next chapter.

Current Situation: Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles asks you to look at where you’re spending your energy. Are you stretched too thin trying to control too many situations? When your energy is so scattered you won’t see any of your manifestations progress. It might be time to drop activities to make room for healing. It’s great to be social, but Virgo is represented by the Hermit card and sometimes you just need to retreat a little to gather yourself.

I’m a Virgo so this is something I understand perfectly. I have big changes going on and I’m having to reign in some of my commitments for the time being so I can focus on the more important tasks. There are things I don’t want to let go of but I’m trying to remember that I can always pick them up again later. True friends won’t turn their back and if an opportunity is meant for you then it will come to you.

Helpful Energy: Queen of Wands
This is my Queen of confidence. She knows her self-worth and knows she doesn’t have to stress about every little thing. Please keep in mind that these cards aren’t gender specific so even as I type ‘she’ this could also relate to a man.

Approach this time or situation with a Virgo patented, quiet confidence. You don’t have to make yourself centre of attention if you don’t want to but don’t stress about the things you have to let go of. Don't doubt that you're doing the right thing. Catch yourself when you start rushing around trying to fix every little issue. It’s not your job and no one will blame you for withdrawing a little.
It’s time to focus your energies.

Foundation: Queen of Pentacles
This is you stepping into your own power Virgo. Like the Queen of Wands, the Queen of Pentacles has her own brand of self-assured confidence. She’s an earth sign though so to me, this is your card. This Queen is grounded and unshakable, she takes everything in her stride and has a calm nature. The Queen of Pentacles is complete all on her own. She’s financially secure and emotionally stable, the evolution of the Nine of Pentacles, ready for her King of Pentacles to stand beside her. Not to prop her up.

I see this card as someone who is in charge of their own life, they’ve got everything in order and they’re responsible for their own happiness.
Everything that is happening right now is to move you into this energy.

Past: Wheel of Fortune
The wheel is turning as one chapter comes to a close and a new one begins. I get the feeling that you’re between both worlds at the moment which could leave you feeling lost and out of balance. Use this down time to collect your thoughts and heal so that you are in the best possible state for when this new cycle begins. Once it starts there is no turning back!

Within Three Months: The Tower
As I said above, you’re moving into a new cycle and there is no room for old thought patterns or behaviours that no longer suit you. Tower moments have a dual meaning. As you strip away the old you will begin to replace and rebuild for a stronger foundation. It collapses so you can make it stronger.
You must let it go though, no holding on to things or people. If you sense something is pulling away or becoming harder to keep up with then perhaps take that as a sign that it’s time to move on.
There’s more to this Tower so I’ll clarify.

Three of Chalices, Ace of Wands, King of Pentacles, The Crone, Three of Wands, Knight of Chalices

Once you get through this you will see that it was all worth it. Better times are coming and with the Ace of Wands there is a new exciting beginning that’s about to start for you. There is also a King of Pentacles in the line-up. If this is resonating with you as a business reading then this King will appear as a mentor to you. If it fits more as a romantic reading then this King is the match to the Queen of Pentacles. It’s not a soul mate card for me but it’s a pairing that shows a connection that could become more. They are the matching King and Queen set. 
The last three of the clarifying cards starts with The Crone, which is essentially the Strength card, don’t give up yet. I know this cycle has been going on for a long time and you’re about ready to give up, but you need to hold on a little longer. Stand strong behind this wish as you’re so close to it now. This is followed by the Three of Wands, so yes, keep strong as your ships are about to come in. You’ve been waiting on those docks for a long time and you’re feeling foolish, questioning if you have been silly waiting all this time. You haven’t wasted anything Virgo, the Knight of Chalices is riding in on one of those ships and he’s carrying his offer of romance. In his hand he has the Ace of Cups, that love offer you’ve been wishing for, patiently manifesting. This wish is coming to you.

Three to Six Months: Page of Wands
All the Pages bring news. This one in particular is a messenger that brings  communication. It could be a letter or an email but these days it’s more likely to be a text message or something direct on social media. Whatever it is it should spark some excitement in you.

Can we narrow it down...

Four of Chalices Reversed, Six of Chalices and The High Priest
You’re tired of waiting but you really feel with your intuition that this person you’re waiting on is really your soul mate. You find yourself drawn to them for a reason you can’t really put your finger on why, but it’s like you know them already and you might have not even met! The Six of Chalices is relationships or something from the past. This could be an ex or a friend you never told your true feelings to. It could even be some you’ve had a past life with. That would explain why you feel like you know them already.

Whomever it is, your expectations are being manifested and with the High Priest present you’re being asked to listen to your intuition and not let any doubt creep in.  Allow it to guide you.

Environmental Energy: Four of Cups
Like the person on the card you’re being asked to focus your energy on whatever it is you’re manifesting. Career, goal, relationship, give it your attention. You don’t have to actively devote every waking thought to it, just set your unwavering intention and let the Universe do the rest. If you’re doubting it or your energies are scattered, the Universe will slow down your manifestation. All power diverted to the engines please!

Advantages: Four of Swords
Yes, so as you focus your intentions and leave it in the hands of the Universe, use your downtime to rest and recharge. Get yourself ready for when this new cycle or this new person comes in. This waiting time has a purpose, you’re not doing anything wrong and there isn’t anything for you to do. Stop trying to push it along, it won’t go any faster and you’ll only leave yourself frustrated.
Look after yourself right now and let the higher powers figure out the hard stuff.

Fears and Concerns: King of Cups
Is there a third person situation. Do you or your person have someone else in their life at the moment. Someone they need to leave before they start with you. Or do you need to make a choice.
Do you follow the path with the tangible option, that’s a horrible way to talk about it but I’m sure a select group of you know what I’m talking about! Do you go with the option you can see, or do you take that leap of faith and see if that Ace of Cups really comes in?

Outcome: Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is the swiftest moving Knight and he cuts away anything that blocks his path. Once you have truly made your decision, you’ll start to see everything move and it will all change rapidly. There’s no going back and why would you want to?

Let’s go to the Moonology, for your advice. I think you know what you want though.

The end of a tough cycle approaches: Full Moon in Capricorn

How hard are you willing to work for what you want? This card is reminding you that effort is required. Work issues may be about to come to a head when this card comes up. The end of a rough time is forecast. This card also asks you to consider how ambitious you are and whether you’re prepared to pull out all the stops. It can also be a call to face reality.
Admit if you have been overly hard-headed or hard-nosed.
It’s time to stop fearing the worst.

Expect powerful change: New Moon Eclipse

If you want affirmation that you can achieve your dreams and get the desired outcome in the situation you’re asking about, then this is it. This is a card of beginnings and there are powerful energies at work. But be prepared: it could be quite a ride, and events now could even be jarring and uncomfortable. However, any new directions you take will almost always lead somewhere better than where you are at the moment.
Whatever is happening now is happening for a reason you’ll appreciate later on.
A new portal is opening up and all you have to do is have the courage to forget about the past and move through it.
You’re being put back on the right path.
There is nothing to fear. Whatever is happening now is happening for your highest good.

Have faith in your dreams: Waxing Crescent Moon

This card suggests that the answer to whatever you’re asking is writ large like the silvery Full Moon sat again the velvety night sky. If you’re wondering how successful something is going to be, such as a job or a relationship, the answer is very.
This card is about being larger than life, being special and bursting with energy that you can tune into and work with.
There’s also a sense that the opportunities around whatever you’re asking about don’t come along everyday so take action.
Don’t ignore the obvious.
Something exciting lies ahead!

Well fellow Virgos, if you’re anything like me then it’s time to stop spinning in place and turning the same thoughts and decisions over in your head. Make your choice and stick with it no matter what. Once the choice is made there is no need to keep thinking about it. Just put it out to the Universe for manifestation and then retreat for that self-healing. Have confidence in yourself and your abilities, this wish is coming.

L xx

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all. I hope this helps you through June and I can’t wait to see what you’re up to next month.

I have Instagram now, follow me (lauren_ailie) over there to see when your next reading is posted. I will also be posting daily reads and daily oracle cards on there! Or on Twitter @LaurenAilie0 😊


What's everyone else reading?