Dream Journal #1

The one where I was an earth bender.

I've been told my dreams are weird so I thought it might be fun to share them here! Like a dream journal.

Now I'm a fan of the cartoon/ anime series Avatar, the last airbender. So I don't doubt that my dream might have been influenced by this.

Last night I dreamt that I was aboard a wooden boat, more like a large surfboard but with a sail and a bow like a normal boat. There were no railings and only 3 or 4 people could fit. There were lots of boats like the one I was standing on all bobbing on dark, open water. The sky was also really stormy and the water was churning. The fun part was that we were in a battle and using our powers. 

For those that don't know the premise of the airbender cartoon is that the people of that world can be born with powers aligned with one of the four elements. Air, fire, water and earth. They use tai-chi type motions to channel the power. 

In my dream I was an earth bender and we were facing a tsunami size wall of water which was being controlled by a man. He was tall and thin, scarily so. He was threatening one of the water bender girls beside me (I was special as the only earth on the boat) he was telling her that she better not make any moves or he would drown her. Not liking this I used my powers to smash him into the water and drive him to the sea bed. I held him there, encasing him in the dirt while the others used their powers to speed our ships to safety. There was a ring in the water that this man couldn't cross. 

I woke up as we crossed the line. It was a short dream but it was definitely a fun one! 

L xx


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