Virgo General Tarot Reading July 2019 - Everything will be ok in the end; if it’s not ok then it’s not the end.

This is a general Tarot reading for Virgo. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarifications I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Queen of Cups
Ten of Swords
Queen of Pentacles
Knight of Swords

What have we got here Virgo, two Queens in your overview? A shift in energy perhaps? I mean it’s been a long time coming right? A lot of processing and a lot of patience. Finishing up that Queen of Cups cycle, the hurt that’s left you feeling fragile and vulnerable. With the Ten of Swords here you’re definitely at the end of a tough cycle. I’m a Virgo in every part of my chart so I know how tough this has been fellow Virgos! It’s a relief to be done with it, we’re ready to move on, right?  
Stepping into who you really are, or just getting back to being you. There’s a feeling that you’ve lost a sense of who you are to this cycle, and now at the end it you’re ready to come out of your cocoon. Be that beautiful butterfly. As soon as you let go of that old cycle and its old behaviours, belief and habits that Knight of Swords is going to throw it all forwards at breakneck speed. All the stuff you need to shed it going to be swept away so fast that there’s no way you can keep a hold of it. It’s for the best.

Current Situation: The Hermit
We’ve been doing some internal searching. As Virgos we like things to be organised and that’s how I like to think I process things. I lay it all out and then put it back together all nice and neat and organised with colour coded notes and dividers. There’s been a lot of healing done I’m sure by everyone. The Hermit is the Virgo card in the Major Arcana, so you’re doing what you do best. As you can tell I like to call it processing, sitting back and working it all out. How do you get back to being who you are? Who are you?

Helpful Energy: Ace of Swords
This will help considerably. The Ace of Swords brings clarity, being able to see everything without any emotional fluff. None of that emotional mind fog that can make it difficult to really understand what’s going on and what to do next. Does that make sense?  This Ace can also provide the strength to move forwards, for that last push to make it through.

This paired with the Hermit makes a nice combo. That last bit of introspection.

Foundation: Three of Pentacles
It all stems from the need for progress. I don’t know about you, but I can wait patiently for any amount of time as long as I can see progress happening. Happening slowly is fine, it just needs to be moving. For like the last year we’ve been in this whirlpool, pulled back in when we thought we were almost out. I’m full of analogies today, bear with. My point being that you should start to see progress now.

Past: Four of Cups
In its position in the past this looks like a decision to focus on the big picture. To aim for that Ace of Cups that the divine are offering. Taking that leap of faith and perhaps being a little stubborn in that your mind set is on that Ace of Cups or nothing at all? It’s not a bad place to be, just be careful with it. Make sure you’re paying attention to the signs you’re being sent from your higher self. Don’t be so rigid in what you’re expecting that you don’t let the Universe do it’s thing.

Within Three Months: The Chariot
The Chariot being swift forward movement. The forward bit is important. We’re all about the progress at the moment, right? You’re taking back control, taking back the power over your life. You’re steering that chariot; you have the reins so it’s up to you where you go from here. As you charge off keep it all balanced. As there is one silver and one gold sphinx in the card you need to keep all things balanced as well. Heart and mind. Light and dark. Rational and emotional.
Wherever you’re going it’s going to be an adventure!

Three to Six Months: Knight of Pentacles
Some people aren’t so thrilled to see this knight show up. Especially if your patience is running out. This is the slow and steady knight of the deck, but he is also the only one to cross the finish line.  The other ones stir the energy up but they don’t get it done.
I think this new cycle is going to move more at our own Virgo pace. We’re earth signs, we like time to stop and smell the roses, to process every little detail until we fully understand it from every angle. Well I’m just going to throw in right here that sometimes we’re just not supposed to know every little detail…. With this card however we’re being given the time to be truly present and enjoy each moment as it builds to something amazing. If this is about love, then take note of each little milestone. If it’s in business or another area, then apricate each step of the way and take nothing for granted.

Environmental Energy: Knight of Wands
Another knight! There is going to be energy moving around all over the place! This chap brings a sense of excitement, fun and joy. The Knight of Pentacles will see it through, but this knight is going to hype you up ready for this new start. You might just be giddy at the thought of all the possibilities that might be available or for those that have a connection to your higher self you might get a sense that something you’ve been working towards is coming your way. If you’ve been manifesting a new start to your love life, or a new job or a new home, you might lose any doubt about it coming your way!
Now that’s something to be excited about for sure!

Eight of Wands, King of Pentacles, Ace of Wands and Knight of Swords
Yipee! There is communication is coming in and fast from this King of Pentacles. Someone grounded and steady, stable. You’ve probably been waiting a long time for this, the first domino to fall. Felt it in your gut, this feeling that something is happening. Well fingers crossed this is it!  It’s a fresh start and everything will move forwards very, very quickly from there. The Knight of Swords goes fast and cuts through anything in his way.
What else can I say?

Advantages: Death
Now most people don’t like this card. It’s not literal death…. Well not normally and not on this occasion. It’s a metaphorical death. The old dying away to make room for the new. Like a snake shedding its skin, or maybe a prettier image is a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. It’s like I’ve said before, I think with Libras reading, you can’t keep hold of what you have and still be able to accept something new. Your hands and your heart can only hold so much.
Let it leave and move on.

Fears and Concerns: Eight of Pentacles
Virgo are you worrying that you’re going to repeat this cycle? That you’ve missed the lesson here and you’ll fail the test from the universe and have to repeat all those tough times?
I feel you, I’m in the same Virgo boat, I’m not reading for myself, but this is resonating. Let’s dig a little into this one. Let’s pick it apart in that Virgo way we have.

Three of Cups, The Horned God, Ten of Wands and Eight of Wands
Ok…. There is a fear that by moving on you’ll be making the wrong choice and leaving your true soul mate behind. Alternatively, it’s a fear that history will repeat itself. Fear of being happy is a real thing. If you’re happy that means you have something to lose. By not taking this chance though you will miss out on being happy. Which option do you choose? You’re teetering on the edge of a leap of faith, you need to take that first step towards something amazing.
I can’t tell you what that is but I’m sure you’ll recognise it when you see it.

Outcome: Ten of Pentacles
Well this is a nice card to show up at the end of your reading. The Ten of Pentacles is abundance and stability. A wonderful earthy card for an earth sign. It’s personal fulfilment, all your manifestations coming together and working out perfectly. Just as they need to. It probably won’t be what you expected but it will be better!

I don’t know about you guys but that’s definitely a relief. I’m ready to kiss those tough times goodbye!

Lets move on to the Moonology, these cards have been so on point recently.

Meditate and Contemplate: New Moon in Pisces
This card speaks of dreams and romance, of soulmates and poetry. It suggests there’s a new start coming your way that’s connected to a matter that leaves you feeling somewhere between having your head in the clouds and being in a totally altered state.
If you’re on to a good thing then wish hard because the words of your soul and your heart could help bring about the manifestation of your dreams.
Face your fears, they might be holding you back.

Have faith in your dreams: Waxing Crescent Moon
Don’t give up! The situation you’re asking about is still taking shape – you’re nowhere near the end of the story. Whatever is happening now is just a step along the way.
Everything will be ok in the end; if it’s not ok then it’s not the end.
The Waxing Crescent Moon card is a reminder that you must keep working towards whatever is it that you want.
Just because you can’t see your dreams, it doesn’t mean they’re not manifesting.

Show the world the real you: Full Moon in Aquarius
This card brings the message from the cosmos that you need to detach a little from whatever situation you’re asking about. It’s important for you to allow life to unfold and progress, even if change seems like a frightening prospect.
If you’ve been holding yourself back from showing the world the real you, this card reminds you that your unique characteristics are what make you special
You are too much in your head – get into your heart!

Fellow Virgos, that looks super promising and I don’t know about you but I’m excited to see how it unfolds.

L xx

I’m thinking about uploading love specific reads to Youtube. If I do, I’ll be posting the link on my socials, so follow me on there so you don’t miss out.

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IG: Lauren_Ailie


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