Scorpio July 2019 Tarot Reading - Let the love back in. You deserve it.

This is a general Tarot reading for Scorpio. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarifications I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Eight of Wands
The Hermit
Ten of Wands
The High Priestess

A couple of the other signs have had the Eight of Wands show up. It’s a very swift energy, bringing communication and interaction. Whether it’s regarding a romantic connection or a business one, expect some sort of communication to happen very soon! Text chat exchanges where the messages have quick replies or emails that spark a sudden change in your life.  Before this comes in if you’re not already, you’ll be entering Hermit mode. Looking internally to process and heal. There’s one last issue that needs healing or wrapping up before you can move on. Releasing whatever this Ten of Wands burden is for you. It might be something you’ve been carrying for a long time, a secret or a worry? Well with the High Priestess present secrets will be revealed. She brings clarity and understanding, being able to see the truth.

That’s an interesting start Libra!

Current Situation: Ace of Swords
Well this is a strong card to have crowning your reading. The Ace of Swords is normally a card that brings clarity. If you’ve been bogged down with worry and feeling tired, then this Ace makes it all clear, being able to cut through the bullshit. It also lends you the strength to keep going, to move forwards.

Helpful Energy: Nine of Wands
Now, the Nine of Wands comes out when you’re about to give up. You’re at the end of your strength and you just don’t think you can go another step. Well you can, what you’re so close to the end, to reaching your goal. Don’t give up just yet. The Ace of Swords gives you the strength to keep going. Lean into that energy.

Foundation: Four of Pentacles
The guy in the card is holding on to his four pentacles for dear life. Afraid to loosen his grip in case he loses it all. One of my favourite analogies currently, everyone has gotten it so far, is that how are you supposed to accept the Universes gift when your hands are already full? Is that an analogy? I’m not sure haha. Basically, you need to let go, release what you have in order to be able to accept something better. What falls away wasn’t meant to be yours.  Take that leap of faith and believe that something better is waiting for you.

Past: Judgement
I love this card, it’s my Karma card. A wave of positive energy is coming your way, turning the tide. That’s if you let it though! By holding on so tightly to what you’re afraid to lose you might have shut out these new positive opportunities! This is in the past though, so the positive times are already happening around you, you just need to move forward and enjoy them.

Within Three Months: Two of Swords
There are some blockages. The Two of Swords is about being at a stalemate, this could be self-inflicted? There is the potential with the Four of Pentacles as your foundation, that you’re refusing to let something go and move on. It won’t do you any good to hold onto a situation that is past it’s sell by date. Once a situation whether that’s a job, a friendship or a relationship has run its course you need to let it go. Holding on to it only keeps you stuck and doesn’t change the outcome.
That might be a bit harsh to hear but it’s necessary.

Three to Six Months: Seven of Pentacles
This isn’t so bad Scorpio! This is a few months ahead and it looks like you’re moving on. Finally letting go enough to let the new trickle in. The Seven of Pentacles is a harvest.  Collecting the fruits of your labours. It won’t have been easy, especially as you have been holding on for so long but now you can see the better things blossoming and growing.  Just remember to keep working on the situation because if you want to have a harvest next year to need to put in the groundwork now.

Environmental Energy: Page of Wands
The pages are always about news. This page in particular brings excitement. It might be a text or an email, but some form of communication is going to bring something that creates real joy for you.

Advantages: The Chariot
For sure! With the Page of Wands backed up by The Chariot you’re in for some serious forward movement. It’s time to go and you’re moving on. You’re in control of this situation. It’s down to you to steer this chariot in the right direction. Keep it on track and keep moving forwards, you can do this! Be strong, it’s all going to be so much better for you.

Fears and Concerns: Page of Pentacles
There is some FOMO happening. Fear of missing out! Worried to move on in case you miss out on what you were waiting for. Worried that letting go won’t bring anything better. The Page of Pentacles brings news that you have been waiting for and in this position that’s what it feels like you’re afraid of.
It’s time to move on though Scorpio, haven’t you dragged your heels long enough? You owe it to yourself to move on and find something better. Whether that’s someone more suited to your or a better job or even a better way of living.

Eight of Chalices, Six of Pentacles, The Lord of Shadows.
With the Eight of Chalices you’re walking away from what isn’t working. It’s not an easy journey but it promises that you’re moving on to something better. The Six of pentacles is all about choosing where to share your energy. Do you give it to the person that it going to reciprocate your feeling or are you going to keep pouring your energy into something that gives you nothing back? I don’t think so, take up those chariot reins and steer it in a new direction. Finally, with The Lord of Shadows your coming out of the dark and into the light. Leaving the shadows behind and overcoming those demons. No more fearing what you might lose and looking to what you might gain instead.

That’s amazing.

Outcome: The Star
This is not just any wish. This is a major arcana wish come true! It’s been a tough old time for you Scorpio but as long as you let go of whatever has been holding you back, you’re going to be catapulted towards this wish and all the good stuff that’s been waiting.
You just need to let go. You can do it.

Let’s get some advice for you from my Moonology. A little guidance for you.

The Answers you need are coming: Full Moon in Gemini
This card is a reminder that it is important to speak your truth, but remember that your words have consequences and impact your listener; right now you need to guard against indiscretion. The answers you need may well come soon.
Someone is trying to flirt with you – have you noticed.
You need to laugh off this situation and just move on.

Don’t let your past hold you back: South Node
This is a karmic point, one from the past or a past life. Whatever you’re going through and whatever you’re asking about, there’s a chance that age old programming and conditioning is stopping you from achieving all you might. Do you feel like you’re stuck in something? This card will often comes as a sign that the situation or relationship you’re asking about has somehow become suffocating, even toxic.
Your attraction to someone may be verging on the obsessive.
It’s time to release someone.

You’re very close to achieving a goal: Gibbous Moon
Pulling this card at any time of the month suggests that the situation you’re asking about is bulging with possibility and coming to a peak. But this isn’t an ending card with a neat ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Rather, you’re being reminded that some adjustments may yet be required before you get what you want, though you’re certainly on the right track, which is hopefully reassuring for you.
Stay focused.
You need to get back into good health habits.

Scorpio, please take good care of yourselves. You deserve to be happy and healthy. I look forward to checking back in with you next month!

L xx

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all.

I have Instagram now, follow me (lauren_ailie) over there to see when your next reading is posted. I will also be posting daily reads and daily oracle cards on there! Or on Twitter @LaurenAilie0 😊


What's everyone else reading?