Leo Tarot Reading - Take control of your life again whether that's love or work!

This is a general Tarot reading for Leo. As it's a general reading it will resonate with some but not all. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope this message from spirit helps you :)

I'll start with the basic Tarot reading and then ask for clarity on the bits I feel need some more explaining. For the clarifications I use my Green Witch Tarot deck, then I'll ask for some advice from my Oracle cards. 

Five of Cups
The Empress
Two of Cups
The Fool

Well this is an interesting one for sure!

You’re ready to move forward now Leo, after the last couple of months of processing it’s time to release those empty cups and pay attention the opportunities you have available. This is a new chapter for you and it’s unknown territory, if you’ve had your life planned out to be a certain way you’re having to let go of that idea.

Something better is growing and picking up speed, taking on a life of its own and becoming something exceptional. The Empress is the birth of new ideas and bringing them to fruition after all! The Two of Cups is my soul mate card, or a situation that is destined, absolutely meant to be. You could be starting a new relationship, a new business venture or just the next phase in your life. Whatever it is there is no dodging it haha.

If you find your world being turned upside down or like I said above, you’re facing a future with no set plan, The Fool card asks you to take that leap of faith into the unknown because right now the possibilities are limitless.

That’s a motivating start, I’m excited to see what you’re leaving behind and moving on to!

Current Situation: Two of Swords
Ok, so at the moment or recently you’ve felt stuck, at a deadlock and unable to move forwards. This might have been because you felt as though you couldn’t move, or you didn’t know which direction to move in. It’s been a bit of a stalemate situation.

Helpful Energy: Page of Cups
If you’ve been feeling trapped or at a dead end, then there is an offer coming in that will get you moving again. It’s a hand up and out of this stagnant energy, or perhaps it’s the energy boost you need to get yourself back on track. Back to working on your own hopes and dreams if they’ve been on hold recently.

Whatever it is, the Page of Cups brings a more emotional energy so be prepared for that happiness.

Foundation: Six of Wands
This is all stemming from a place of wanting recognition for your work or your talents, or just who you are as a person.  This is your time now and you’re ready to live it your way. Well this card talks about victory and acknowledgement, being seen for what you’re truly capable of and what you can offer.

Putting your talents to good use or simply just being able to pursue something that is more fulfilling to you. As the flag bearer in the card parades through the town, waving at the waiting crowd, you might experience a similar feeling of popularity. Fame maybe?

Past: Page of Pentacles
I can see you getting a bit frustrated in the past at the speed things were progressing. It’s that fire energy you have Leo, you’re eager to get going. You need to keep a handle on your excitement, so you don’t burn out or give up before whatever this is has really got going.
Be patient things are moving the progress is just slow and steady.

Within Three Months: King of Pentacles
Now this can one of two things. If this is resonating as a romantic reading for you then this is someone who will be important to you. Either coming back into your life or interacting for the first time. If it’s not romantic then this person will appear in more of a mentor, guidance role. To be honest it could even be both, a romantic partner that keeps you steady.
Whichever way this plays out for you, they could be one of the Earth signs, Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn or just someone who is grounded and stable. They give good solid advice and you can depend on them to tell you the truth. They’ll get your feet firmly planted on the ground if your imagination has been running wild haha!

It might be time to reconnect with reality.

There has to be more to this though so let’s go to some clarifiers…

Nine of Pentacles Reversed, Eight of Wands Reversed, Knight of Wands Reversed, Queen of Wands
Back to reality it is Leo. A past situation hadn’t quite evolved to be what you thought it would or the way you thought it would. It lost its momentum and excitement and you’re coming back to earth with a bang. You might even be feeling a bit bored now that the excitement is over.
Only you will know, but it might be time to move on from this Earth energy or as I said above the Earth energy might be there to nurture you and give you that dose of reality that will get you back on track.
Take it how it resonates I guess.

Three to Six Months: The Hierophant
There’s definitely some knowledge to be gained from this. A learning experience let’s say. It might be literally learning about a subject you’ve been interested in and doing your research or venturing out into the unknown. Walking out into this next chapter to see what it has in store for you.
Knowledge is power so don’t be afraid to explore and grow! Just don’t rush into anything.

Environmental Energy: Eight of Pentacles
With this card following The Hierophant it’s time to get your head down and get to learning. It’s going to require some effort; this is the apprenticeship card. Working hard to gain traction in this endeavour. Nothing worth having come easily but if it’s something you love then it should be fun as well.

I feel like this mentor is going to be important for your growth. Learning a new way of doing things, going about things differently to how you’ve always done. You’re free to start again and do it your way.

Working hard and putting the effort in, making sure to take those baby steps forwards.

Advantages: The Devil
Perfect! These steps you’re taking are going to help you break some bad habits. Exorcise those demons and start a fresh. Just let go of whatever has been holding you back.

The Battle Wagon and The Moon
With these two cards it’s clear that you’re ready to take control you’re your future and you’re moving on. It’s your time now.

You’ll see through any illusions and you’ll know the truth, no more being sucked into the same imaginary scenarios.

Fears and Concerns: Page of Swords
This is quite simple. With the Page of Swords showing up in this position you’re concerned that you’ll be disappointed. What if it doesn’t work out? What if it’s not what I thought. What do I do now?

Let go of those thoughts right now! Negativity breeds negativity and if you waste time thinking that way then that’s what you’ll attract. Watch those thoughts!

Leo you have The Fool in your overall energy, take that leap of faith and just give it a go. If it doesn’t work out then at least you’ve learnt something instead.

Outcome: The Emperor
That’s what we like to see! Your outcome, if you stay on this current path, is the Emperor. He’s top dog, completely in charge of his life and he know how to get what he wants. This isn’t gender specific though, ladies you can be an Emperor too.

Use the advice you’re given and accept wise council Leo and you’ll see yourself getting to where you want to go. What more can I say? You’ve got this!

Time for Moonology.

A new start is coming! New Moon
This is one of the most auspicious cards in the deck; it’s totally positive and suggests something new and exciting is developing.
The message from the Universe is that you’re starting all over again in some way, be that on a new or better course or just feeling more positive about achieving your desired outcome. If you’ve been feeling stagnant, this card reminds you that life goes in cycles and you’re moving into a new cycle now.

This is time to wipe the slate clean.

What do you need to release?: Waning Moon
The Waning Moon points to what’s falling away. Life goes in cycles and sometimes we need downtime or to let go. This card is a sign that a situation has peaked, for better or worse, and it’s time for you to move onwards.

This card can be very positive, but it can still be gently suggesting that you let something go and stop trying so hard.

Releasing emotional baggage is recommended now.
Soon you will see what lies ahead.

Bring love into the situation: New Moon in Aquarius
It’s time to move forwards. A new moon means no looking back. Change is on its way and it could come in quickly.

This card comes with the suggestion that you may need to do things independently, on your own. But be loving – not too pragmatic.

I’ve seen a progression with your story over the last couple of readings and I’m excited to see what you do next!

L xx

If this resonates let me know! I enjoy hearing from you all.
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IG: Lauren_ailie


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